Chapter three, or I'll follow you into the light

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Karen's eyes fluttered gently open and she gripped her sink determinedly. She could get through this. She didn't need anyone. She didn't need-


Her phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. Karen stared at it, curious. It was Matt. Sighing, she answered it.

'Hello?' Her voice wobbled and her hands trembled as she nearly dropped the phone on the counter.

'Kaz,' Matt said softly. 'Are you back yet?'

'Yeah,' she breathed, her hands shaking.

'Are you okay? I'm outside your door.' Matt asked worriedly.

He knew. Matt knew. He'd supported her. Always.

'Come in,' Karen said quietly and ended the call.

Through the fog that surrounded her, Karen heard Matt unlock the door and walk swiftly thorough the apartment until he reached the bathroom where she stood, hands gripping the counter tightly, staring in the large mirror.

'Oh Kaz,' Matt said as he pulled her away from the mirror and out onto her couch.

She must look a sight, she knew, having just gotten back from a fourteen hour flight and crying, her makeup must be smudged and her hair a complete mess.

'Karen,' Matt said softly, taking her shaking hands in his. 'Are you okay?'

She shook her head slowly, feeling fresh tears make their way down her cheeks. Matt pulled her close to him and she leaned into him, too tired and too weak to do anything.

'It'll be alright,' he told her softly, stroking her cheek, brushing the tears away. 'I'm here. I'll always be here for you, okay?'

Karen gulped and nodded slowly, closing her eyes and relaxing in Matt's safe and warm arms.

Did she trust Matt? Of course she did. She loved him with all her heart.

She needed his trust for in the end it could save her.

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