Alfred, Doujinshi, and Floor Cake

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Second chapter!!! I am in a creative writing class and the last six weeks of school our teacher is letting us have every single to work on personal stories, so hopefuly i can work on this a ton and get chapters up quick, along with my other stories... that i haven't updated in months... yeah sorry about that XD And as for the video on the side.... I don't know XD I think this video is something that everyone has to see at least once in their life. Anyway, enjoy!!!

     When I finally woke up, I could feel something weighing down my fore head. From what I could tell I was on my bed, but I could sense that someone was staring at me. I flicker my eyes open and saw that an insanely hot guy was sitting at the end of my bed. I yelped and jumped back, feeling something land in my lap. I looked down and stared at what looked like a hamburger that had fallen from my forehead. I got a ‘dafuq’ look on my face and stared back at the strange, beautiful person that was looking at me. Even though I had never met him before he looked strangely familiar. A few seconds later I finally realized who it was.
“Alfred?!?!?!” I asked and jumped up, running over to glomp him. I couldn’t help my fangirl-ness.
“Woah, dudette. Looks like my superhero cure worked, hahaha!” I looked up at him and released him from my hug of doom. I just couldn’t believe that he was here. It didn’t make sense. He just sat there with a huge, goofy smile on his face. I took a tentative step forward and started poking his cheek.
“Are you real? I mean, I’m not pulling an Iggy right now and seeing things that don’t exist and talking to them?”
Alfred looked confused for a second then burst out laughing. “Of course I’m real!” he stood up on my bed and exclaimed, “I am the hero! You called out for me, so I came when I heard your voice. Your voice must be the key to unlocking all of us.” he flashed his hero pose and winked at me.
     I blushed and looked down at my feet. He randomly started bouncing on the bed, but slipped and landed with a thud on the ground. He quickly picked himself back up and stared at me as I giggled at him.
“What do you mean I called out for you? I just remember doing my math homework and then the scar on my back started to burn. The next thing I knew I was on the ground and then everything just blacked out.”
“Your back? Is that where we have been stored all these years? I thought it would’ve been something cooler, like some sort of golden box hidden in an ancient tomb or somethin’.”
     He was confusing the fudge nuggets out of me. “Um, Alfred?” I asked sweetly.
He looked up at me and smiled, “Yeah?”
“Jeez, alright.” He said raising his hands in defense. “Well, first off as you know I am Alfred F. Jones, the hero of Hetalia!” he struck his pose again.
I slapped my hand over the back of his head. “Yeah, yeah I know that already. Get on with it.”
“Well, it sure is someone’s time of the month isn’t it?” he mumbled under his breath. Before I could reply he continued talking, “Five years ago, all of the countries gathered at a world conference. Everything was going smoothly with my plan to build a hero league of awesome bad asses when I heard an “Aiyah!” from the back. Everyone turned to see China disappear. Norway and Iceland were next. They all just kept disappearing down the line. Italy was freaking out while Germany was trying to figure out what was going on. As soon as he went, all hell broke loose. Countries were running every which way until only Russia, Italy, and I were left. Then everything just went blank. All of the countries and I were in a black space. We were all just kind of floating there and what not.  I still knew how much time had elapsed; it just didn’t feel like it was that long.”
     I could tell that Alfred looked sad and that he was concerned about his country friends, however he snapped his head back up and was smiling his signature hero smile. I just stood up and hugged him, patting his back. His head rested into the crook of my neck, and I could feel him relax for a second. But he jumped up and started searching my room, examining all of the plushees. I started blushing, though, when he got to my Hetalia section that included all of the axis and allied powers. He simply put Britain’s plushee face down and kept walking.
“You sure have a big collection of… stuff.” He said, staring at my piles of manga and doujinshi.
“Thanks, but back to the point, how did I free you from the place you were in? I know it was my singing, but how do I release the other countries?”
     Alfred just stood there and thought hard for a moment before he said, “I have no clue, BUT I do know that I was drawn to your voice and this light. Everyone else thought I was crazy. I just started hearing ‘I need a Hero’ and thought that I could help.”
“So it looks like I just have to sing the song that most relates to the country to actually bring them out of my… um... back prison.” I could feel my face heat up from embarrassment.
     I looked up to see Alfred holding back his laughter. As I went to hit him with my pillow I heard footsteps walking up the stairs. My heart dropped into my butt and my eyes grew wide.
“Oh fudge muffins, it’s my parents!” I whisper yelled.
     Alfred only got a, “Huh?” out before I shoved him in my closet and ran to my bed, opening up a manga.
“Hey sweetie, when did you get home?” my mom asked as she opened up my bedroom door.
“A few hours ago.” I replied, looking up from my manga that was upside down. I quickly put it down before she noticed,
“Oh, that long? Well, anyway…”
“Happy Birthday honey!” my dad interrupted as he pushed my mother out of the way, walking into my room with a cake.
“What did I tell you about interrupting me, Richard?” my mom asked, venom dripping from her voice.
“Oh, I don’t remember because you kept spitting on me with your yelling.” My father replied, glaring at my mother.
“At least my breath doesn’t smell as bad as yours. You shouldn’t stay in here too long or else the paint might start chipping from it.”
     With that my dad dropped my cake and they got into another argument on who was uglier. I swear they acted like two children in pre-school. They took the fight into the hall, slamming my door shut. I just sighed and walked over to my floor cake. At least they got the name right this year I thought as I scooped up some icing and licked my finger.
“It’s your birthday!?” Alfred asked as he walked out of my room.
“What? Oh, uh, yeah.” I said awkwardly, remembering that he was here.
“Well we should celebrate!”
“Nah, it’s ok. There’s nothing to really do in my town.”
“Oh, come on! There has to be something.” He whined.
I sighed, “Fine, we can go to the movies.”
“Hooray!” Alfred yelled and grabbed my hand, pulling me out my door and down the stairs. We passed my parents bedroom and I could hear them, still fighting. I grabbed my keys off the key rack by the door and opened the front door, glad to get out of the house for something other than school.

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