The Boy Who Dives. - Tom Daley Fanfiction.

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Part 1- Moving in.

Laura's POV:

Today was the day. Today i was moving house. I was moving to

Plymouth  with my family. My Dad had got a new job,so we had

to move. I'm just glad im not at school anymore,imagine having

to change schools! That would've been my worst nightmare. However

i did have to start college, which wasn't too bad because i suppose

not many people will know each other,so that was going to be interesting!

However i haven't ever moved house. I've lived here in Leeds

for the whole 17 years of my life. It will be hard to move away

and start a new life,but i suppose they allways say change is for the better.

Mum: "Have you got everything love?"

me: "yeah!"

mum: "go get yourself in the car then"

I grabbed my bag and ran to the car crawling over to seat myself

in the middle of my 2 brothers. They won't be living with us. They're getting a

place together in the city centre,closer to the uni's and such.

My Mum got in the car last and my Dad started the engine and off we went.

I waved goodbye to the house and placed my earphones in,sat back

and fell into a deep sleep...


After a long 5 hours of driving,we were finally at the new house. Wow.

It was AMAZING! I never expeted it to look as good as it did,but i was

proud to call it my home! We waved goodbye to my brothers and they

took off in the car and went to there house. It's gonna be weird without the

two of them around.

I followed my mum through the front door. As soon as i walked in i ran straight

upstairs to find my room alreay had a sign on the door with my name on it.

I was dreading the next part. I just prayed my room was going to be a reasonable

size and not a small little box room. I closed my eyes and clenched the door handle.

Fair to say i was being extreamly oversdramatic. As soon as i opened my eyes a big smile

apeared on my face! Not too small not too big! YESS!! They best part was that all my things

were already unpacked. One of my walls was a big collage of photos. Mainly of my favorite

band The Wanted and some of me and my friends back home.Not only that but i had my very own

on suite bathroom,it was filled with all my favorite hair and body products! Maybe

moving here wasnt so bad after all!

2 hours later..

After getting used to everything,i checked my phone 11:30pm.

It was that late already! I had college tomorrow! Shit! I rushed

into the bathroom to take off my make up and brush my teeth. And then

i got changed into my pjs,got in bed and drifted off to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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