Chapter 4

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I wake up with the sun shining in through my partially open curtains. I smell bacon coming from downstairs, mom must be cooking.

I grab my phone, and check it to see I have two unread messages. One is from Frey, and the other is from Harry. 

Frey: Hang out today?

Harry: Morning gorgeous

Only because Frey was my best friend, I decided to text her back first.

Me: Sure, come over around 3.

Next, Harry.

Me: Morning Handsome ;)

I sat my phone down on the bed and got up. Rummaging through  my drawrers, I pulled out a pair of high waist shorts and a striped shirt. 

"MOM!" I yelled as loud as I could.

A few seconds later my mom entered my room. "What?" She asked, face looking confused.

"You bleached my shirt." I hand her the shirt and cross my arms over my chest. Maybe I should start doing my own laundry.

"Sorry honey." She places the shirt down on the bed and kisses me on the forhead.

"Love you Mom." I smile weakly.

"I love you too. Breakfast will be done soon. Are you going to eat?"

"No thanks, Im not that hungry.'

My mom and I exchange smiles before she leaves my room. Back to my phone I go.

Frey: K Ill be over then x

Harry: Have a good sleep?

I ignored Frey, and texted back Harr right away.

Me: It was fine, how about you?

Harry: Barely got any :/ I wish you could be here to cuddle with me.

What. I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart beat fast. I must be dreaming. There was no way Harry, the  Harry Styles, wanted to cuddle with me. I played it cool and replyed.

Me: Oh really? ;)

Harry: That would be quite nice, wouldn't it? :)

Me: Yeah it would :)

Harry: Soo..

Me: Soo,,

Harry: Have you ever playedd 20 questions?

Me: Who hasn't?

Harry: People who have neverr played 20 questions ;)

Me: Riiiiiiiight ;p

Harry: Want to play?

Me:  Sure, you start.

Harry: Wait, can we ask 'dirty' questions? ;)

Me: If you insist :)

Harry; Ok. Good. Are you loud?


Harry: You know, In bed?

Me: I knew what you meant, but thats kind of personal isn't it.

Harry: Hey you're the one who said I can ask these questions.

Me: Fair enough. But uhh I don't know.

Harry: What do you mean?

Me: I dont know means I dont know.

Harry: So wait, you're a virgin?

Me: You dont get to ask two questions in one!

Harry: Fine. Your turn c:

Me: How big are you?

Harry: 8 1/2 ;)

Me: Wow,  I bet that hurts Louis ;)

Harry: Stop. Larry is bullshit, just like Louis said.

Me: I was just playing around.. 

Harry: I know ;)

Harry: What size bra are you?

Me: 36C

Harry: Not bad, not bad ;)

 Me: Are you a virgin?

Harry: No, I've only done it twice though.

Me: Good for you. ;P

Harry: Are you a virgin? :)

Me:Uh.. yes.

Harry: Really? I would've thought a beautiful girl like you would have boys begging for her on their knees. c;

Me: You have no idea.

Everyone read my new story :D Suspicious Love

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