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The day of his interrogation class.

He sat opposite of Hideki, who played the role as the criminal and Nagi has to interrogate him for answers.

He has asked questions in his life, but asking it at Hideki... that was hell on earth.

Nagi looks at the file, reading at what the 'criminal' has done. "Bomb threat..." it stated, and it reminds him of his sister's case.

"What are you waiting for, Mr Police Officer?" Hideki taunted.
"Oh, I'm busy reading your infamous record..." he replied with his sarcastic smile on his face.
"You know that, that face doesn't shake me..." Hideki leans to the table.
"I'm not intimidating you, I'm just here for fun..."
"And your fun is?" Hideki lifts one of his eyebrow.
"Psychology torture..." he replied, and again - keeping that smile.
"Ha ha, I must see to this then..." Hideki folded his arms on the table.

On the other side of the one way glass, Namba and Kaga was keeping an eye on the class. They both noticed Nagi way of interrogating a little different.

"If this boy isn't a police, and works just a regular office employee. I bet the ones under him or his employer would cry..." Namba jokes around and Kaga agrees.
"He has something up in his mind, which... it's hard to put it in words..." Soma walks into the room of students.
"Pretty dangerous if he was the criminal... thanked god Hideki brought him here..." Namba jokingly said again.
"Listen all of you... do take notes at how he interrogates this four eyed cyborg..." Kaga announced.

Nagi starts tapping the table with his pen, imitating the sound of a clock. He kept his smile on and starts asking questions.

"Was the bomb threat real?"
"You know I can't answer you that directly..." Hideki said, still in the criminal role.
"It's OK. On to the next question..." Nagi still tapping.
"That's it?" Hideki asked.
"I'm the one asking... not you..." Nagi replied and smiles.

Hideki felt intimidated by Nagi's sarcasm, and continued playing his role.

"Where is the bomb now?"
"......." Hideki kept quiet.
"The silence treatment, good. Next one..." Nagi ignored him and goes along with it.
"Can you stop the tapping?" Hideki asked.
"Hm? This? Nope..." he smiled.

Hideki stares at him, knowing that his way of interrogations was really tiring and was annoyed by the sounds of the pen tapping onto the table.

"Who do you work for?" Nagi asked his final question.
"....." Hideki gave him nothing for an answer, but that's when Nagi spoke up.
"I have all the time in the world... interrogations can last from a minute to years. I understand that too. Cooperation with the criminal is vital during these case. So now all I got to do... is just... wait and see. Knowing that this criminal, is none other than instructor Ishigami. He would probably be mentally ready for this. But as I tapped on the table with my pen, imitating the clock. You might break down if I don't stop it. So, I'm gonna stop..."
"The bomb threat is real... the whereabouts of the bomb is in a D building. And I worked for the Z organizations..." Hideki blurted it all out and he just realized what he did.
"Oh, thank you for your cooperation in this case. I was hoping that I was about to fail in this..." Nagi stood up, and that was the time that his pen stopped tapping.
"Nagi.. you..." Hideki looked at him in surprised.
"Hm? What?"
"That's..." Hideki trailed off, cause he was clueless on what had happened.
"That's a psychology thing... it's something like hypnosis but it's not. Well, it's hard to understand. And it only work once... the next student will have it hard, see ya!" Nagi cheerfully leaves the room and left Hideki in a dazed.

On to the next class...

Narita was leading their 'follow' or as know as, trailing.
The instructors started walking away from the students, giving them distance - and Narita gave each one team their mission. Trail their instructor and not to be detected.
As usual, Nagi was the odd ball. But that doesn't mean he can't join in one of the teams. Narita placed him into a team, which was about to be expelled from the academy due to their low grades. He knew that they weren't ready for it, but Nagi lead the team.

"Hey, I'm the team leader here..." the student confronted Nagi.
"I don't care you're the leader or not, but do you want to pass this test? Narita has been mocking us for quite some time now..." Nagi replied calmly.
"He doesn't mock us. It was because of your relation with Instructor Ishigami! Aren't you his future brother in law?" the student exclaimed, Nagi stares at him.
"You don't know how much hell he has given me..." Nagi says and turn to look at Narita smirking.
"Look. He is mocking us again... if you can just listen to me, you won't have to see that smirk..." Nagi offered again.
"What? You bribing?"
"What? No! You idiot! I know I wasn't a police before I came here. But I have done things that.... that demon thinks its good for me to use it here! That's why I was roped in without my acknowledgement!!!" Nagi raged.
"Wha-?" the other student was shocked to hear his side of the story.
"Ishigami kept saying that I have the potentials... but I didn't realized that he really brought me here to train... so, all of my hard work and results are my own. He didn't pull any strings nor help me in anything, except giving me HELL!" he continues.

The students stare at him, and for a moment... they accepted him.

"So... what are we gonna do?" one of them asked.
"You wanted to help us to get better grades, right? So... what are we gonna do now? Since we are following Instructor Kaga..."
"I'm not sure. I need to know what kind of person is he..." Nagi replied.
"What do you mean?"
"Erm... I used to trailled my sister's stalkers..."
"You're sister have stalkers??"
"Err... why?"
"Now we really want to see how she looks like!!!"
"What?! Shut up!" Nagi shouted at his team mates.

They start planning, and was supposed to give their reports in the evening. They followed Kaga everywhere, even the shower room wasn't spared. Kaga knew he was being followed, but he doesn't know which team it was. But finally, Kaga turned around. He sensed someone was behind him, but there isn't any of the students.

"Nagi here..." he whispers into his mic.
"What's up" a voice came thru his ear piece.
"Record this... Kaga is going into a dessert shop..." Nagi whispers again and took out his phone to capture Kaga going into the said shop.

And by the end of the day, everyone was in the assembly hall - ready to give their reports to all of the instructors. As they lined up in front of them, Kaga noticed that he was followed by Nagi's team. He looks at him, and Nagi gave him a smirk.

"I hate that boy's confidence now..." Kaga whispers and Hideki heard him.
"Oh, I see. Good luck Kaga. I really want to know what he actually gotten..." Hideki said as he pushed his glasses up.

Nagi and the rest of the team's leader, gave their reports to the instructors that they followed. Each and everyone checked it, carefully marking it - but Kaga... he stares at it. Namba saw that, and walked up to him.

"What's the matter? Failed?" Namba asked him and Kaga quickly closes the report.
"N-nothing!" Kaga shouted.
"Huh? What's wrong with the report?" Namba asked again and tries to take a hold on the file.
"Nagi's team, pass!" Kaga shouted and he avoids Namba.

Nagi's team mates cheers as they heard of the results, and the other instructors are curious about their reports. Hideki laughed as he marks the reports...

"I'm glad they wasn't trailing me..." Hideki said aloud.
"Why you..." Kaga growled.
"Kaga! Let me see it!" Namba started whining.
"Be professional, Namba!" Kaga snapped at him.
"Oh... I should ask them then..." Namba turned around and at this time, Kaga passed the file to him.

When he opens the file to read the reports, there were photos and the time of the day, plus written reports on what he was doing. It was very well written and that cause Namba to crack up.

"Kaga! You are toooooo vulnerable!!!" Namba laughs at him.
"Ah!!! You! Leek! Why ya little...." Kaga scolded Nagi for it, but he just sticked his tongue out.

"All right! I want that boy to be in the next mission!" Namba announced while still laughing.
"What?!" Everyone in the assembly hall shouted.

To be continued...

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