Chapter 2: Personal Trainer

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Kendrick called us into the attic as soon as school let out. Keaira and I sat in the exact same spots we sat in when the whole mess got started. That only meant one thing. More change. It wasn't that Keaira was a bad person. Like I said before, I just wasn't a fan of change.

"I've called the both of you in here becase, Ryan, you'll be in charge of helping Keaira adjust to Guardian life."

There it was. I knew it. I wasn't gonna do it. Not a chance. Not until I could get my feelings straight. Many of the others were already giving me a hard time. Them seeing me as her personal trainer would give them more material for their dumb jokes.

Just for a bit of background: I was nicknamed many things. One of the most prevalent (even moreso than the stupid nickname "Adonis") was Stonewall. I was never phased by any girl, anywhere. My mind was always on my Guardian work and school work.

I had only opened up to Sierra after years of getting things to where I wanted them to be. Having Keaira around shook everything up.

" I don't know, Kendrick, that might not-"

Kendrick gave me an ice cold look.

"You have no choice. Ryan, you're bound to Keaira for eternity! If you don't shape up and help her, the worst can and will happen. You need to get over what it would have been like with that other girl. Keaira is your life now! You are hers!"

I'm pretty sure I was wide eyed. That was the loudest Kendrick had ever yelled at me. But he was right.

On the other hand, if I couldn't get the time to return to my one hundred percent self, we wouldn't be very effective on assignments.

I looked over to see a sour expression on Keaira's face.

"What's up with you?" I asked her.

Her expression quickly went blank.

"You really don't want to do this. You never opened up to Kendrick's decision." She faced him. "Kendrick, is there anyone else who can do this? If he doesn't want to do this, it may affect his performance."

Keaira raised an eyebrow at me. She was truly displeased.

"Your concern is valid and I would have someone else teach you, but there are other matters that other Guardians need to attend to. Besides, you two are the ones who will be working together. My decision is final."

Keaira nodded her understanding and left the attic.

"What was that about?" I asked Kendrick.

"Her abilities. She can read minds. Especially yours."

I held my head in my hands.

She's hurt.

"I messed up, didn't I?"

Kendrick nodded.

"Big time", he told me.

A/N: So this may be the last update for a few weeks. Just depends on what drill camp is like. So for the next 3 or so weeks, updates may either be sporadic or non existent.

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Much Love,

Afrofuturism <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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