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Dean Winchester. Lawrence, Kansas. 7294 Meadowlark Drive. The upstairs bedroom three doors to the right.

Amongst bills and other assorted mail, Dean found a strange letter addressed to him. He held the odd letter with a confused look. He wasn't sure who it was from, or if he should open it. Sure, it had his name on it, but still.

He brought it and the other mail to his parents, hoping maybe they knew what it meant. His mother saw the red seal and smiled. "I knew you would be accepted. This is fantastic!"

This only confused Dean more. "Accepted? Accepted where?"

"I haven't told you about this before because I wanted it to be a surprise, but... you're a wizard, Dean."

He found this hard to believe. "I'm a what?"

She showed his father the letter as he sat at the dining room table reading a newspaper. "Look at this, John! He's going to Hogwarts this year!"

This caught his attention, a smile spreading across his face. "Well, lucky you. Wish I was a wizard like Mary here."

"A... what?" He was still very confused.

Mary set the letter down on the table and looked Dean in the eye. "Dean, when I was around your age, I was accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While I was there, I was taught spells, potions, defense against the dark arts, and the like. And this year, you'll be doing that very same thing."

Dean was still busy processing the whole wizard thing. "I'm... a wizard?"

"Yes. I know, it's a lot to take in, and maybe I should've told you about it sooner, but I just wanted it to be a surprise."

"You know how crazy you sound, right?"

She smiled. "Don't worry, you'll get used to the idea."

"Okay, well, where is Hogwarts? I have a feeling a place like this isn't just a hop, skip, and a jump away."

"No. You'll be taking the Hogwarts Express. There's a specific train station where you'll find platform nine and three quarters."

This also threw Dean a bit. "Nine and three quarters?"

"Yes. It's a hidden platform where wizards and witches go to find the Express. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find some other wizards to help you out."

This was too much for Dean to process in one evening. "Okay, so where's this train station?"

"Well, there's quite a few, actually. A bunch are scattered across the US, but the 'main station' is in London. It had to be that way since there are American students as well as British. You'll be taking the one in Lebanon." (A/n: Ilvermorny doesn't exist in this universe because fuck that shit)

"Lebanon. Not too far from here, right?"

"Well, it's a lot closer than London."

Dean grinned, happy he wouldn't have to take a plane to get to the Hogwarts Express. "Anything important that I should know about this place?"

She thought for a moment. "Watch out for the Slytherin kids."

He didn't know what this meant. "The... what kids?"

"Slytherin. They're a bunch of bad seeds. And I know for a fact that you won't get placed there. That Sorting Hat knows better."

"Seems a bit... rude, don't you think? Not everyone is the same."

She nodded. "Yes. But trust me when I tell you that I've never met a... good hearted Slytherin." He didn't want to argue with her, especially since this seemed personal. He let it slide, for now. "Now, there's four houses. One is Slytherin, then there's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, where I was placed, in fact."

Those Wizard Boys (Destiel Hogwarts AU)Where stories live. Discover now