Knowing How to Survive

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A/N Thanks for reading our ( this a book that me and my friend are writing ) book! And nothing really happened in the 12-13 years before this.~Kaity^_^

Twelve-Thirteen Years Later
(Katherine/Kathy's POV)

I look over at my twin Marcie she nods her head, and I look back at the two deer  in the open meadow in front of us. We both draw our bows And shoot.

The deer thumps onto the ground, one of them tries to stand but it can't.

I look over at Marcie and give her a small smile, that she returns. "Come on" she says quietly " let's go home, it's getting dark". "Okay" I say as I look up at the sky, noticing that it really was getting dark.

I quickly walk over to where the deer lay, grabbing onto one of the deer back legs I start to drag it home. "Hurry" I tell my sister you know dad doesn't like it when we're late. She nods  in agreement, and we hurry home.

Back At Their Home

We're late,not by that much but still dad will be mad. And right on time. He runs up to us " why were you late?" He asks calmly. You see when my dad is mad he doesn't yell, he is deathly calm and it's scary.

" I'm sorry dad, we were only late because we had to drag these deer back from the woods and it took along time. He sighs, and runs a hand through his hair like he normally does when he's frustrated. " okay just don't be late again, there are animals out there that can kill you easily. I nod looking at the ground.

"Go put the deer over there" he says pointing to a spot by our house. Marcie and I drag them over. I go down to the stream and wash my hands and face.

As my dad guts the deer and skins them. I have my sister grab wood so I can start a fire. I arrange the wood into the fire pit and light the fire easily. I grab one of our clay pots, walking down the worn path to the stream. I quickly fill it with water and hurry back to our home. Afraid of the animals my dad mentioned. My sister has already cooked dinner with the deer meat.

we all sit down, "I have something to tell you guys" My dad looks up at us "I will be leaving tomorrow to go on a hunting trip". Marcie and I just nod our heads knowing he had to leave soon for his annual hunting trip, he always did it right before winter started. So we always had enough food.

After we eat I go to our little house well more like a shack, and lay down on my bed of grass and woven reeds, covering up with my blankets I shiver feeling tired after a day of stalking through the woods. I hear my sister come in and lay down next to me. I sigh thinking of how boring and uniformed my life is. There is no excitement except for when my dad goes on his hunting trip , And he is leaving tomorrow. It will be lonely with out dad, I will only have marcie. Because the only people I know or have seen is my dad and my sister. And since my mom died when  Marcie and I were born we were raised by our dad. In the woods. Alone.

Marcie's POV
We have run out of food, yet again. I get tired of having to hunt all of the time when dad just sits at home but I guess I don't have a choice. Katherine and I always hunt together. It's almost like we have the same minds and can think the same things. As we go on yet another hunting trip, we spot a deer. Shooting the deer is easy, we have done it so many times that we can now do it without effort. We grab the deer and start running home, we don't want dad to get mad at us again. He scares me sometimes, but him and Katherine are all I've got.

Back at their home

Dad is mad, really mad. I don't know what's gotten into him lately but it's beginning to scare me and Katherine. Every night after he has fallen asleep we have secret conversations of what we think is going on with him. We have a hunch it's about mom.

Dad goes on this hunting trip every year so we can have extra food. Tomorrow he is leaving so now it will just be me and Katherine. Sometimes we get scared to be alone, but it's also calming knowing that dad won't be there to get mad at us. Sometimes I think that he doesn't even want us anymore and all he really cares about is himself. He also misses mom. Katherine and I have always wondered what it would be like to have a mom. Maybe one day we can find a way out of these woods and dad can find himself a wife, but that seems like a whole lot for us to wish for. It's time for us to go to bed now, dad starts packing for his trip.  I look over to my sister Katherine and wink at her. This is what we do to tell each other that we will talk when dad is asleep. As we lay down and pretend to go to sleep, I hear a howl. I start freaking out, having always been afraid of wolves. Katherine is the only one that can calm me down. She comes over and whispers, "it's fine, they cannot get you here Marcie." I lay back on my bed and my dad starts laughing since I was scared. Sometimes I'm not sure if he has all of his sanity, other times I wish my life was never like this in the first place.

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