Best Friend's Love For Me

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My best friend never 

turns his back on me. 

He never talks bad 

behind my back. 

His love for me is 

never failing. 

His mercy endures 

within my heart foever. 

Whenever I fall down 

he is right there to pick 

me right back up again. 

His Hand is never too 

far away. 

The trials and strife that 

I deal with everyday, 

gets taken away when 

I pray. 

He answers my cries 

as I fall to my knees. 

He wipes away my tears 

with his love for me. 

I remember the time he 

hung on the cross for 

all of my sins that I have 

committed in this life. 

I now will learn to teach 

whomever I can about the 

love that I feel for my best 

friend, that will never leave 

my side. God. 

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