Offically Chapter 1.!

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Chapter 1

Enjoy :)


Tevor's POV!

I guess the theme song of my last couple of weeks is The Dairy by Hollywood Undead. The fact that my first love, had committed suicide just made it just more depressing, when all of the lyrics just fit perfectly on how I feel. I mean why, why I thought there was a just and fair god, well I disagree with this. This is why people don’t believe in god anymore, because he simply enjoyed watching our pain, when he’s up there in the clouds, laughing his ass off. I hate my life, and I actually mean it this time! My best friend, and long time lover, just committed suicide, and now my parents found the perfect time to tell me that we are MOVING! Life sucks major dick. Sorry for being crude, but its true. I am normally not like this but with things how they are, I think I can be just a little bit crude. Don’t you think? You would also think my parents would hold off on the whole moving thing, but no. They thought that it would take my mind off of things. Well you know what; they just made the whole matter worse. Thanks Mom and Dad.

            Oh, and yes my parents do know that me and Alex where that close, and that we did love each other that way, and both of them where very supportive of me. Thank god, I didn’t have parent’s that where Christians, it would have made the whole situation more awkward. At least I had time to go to the funeral, before we go. I was not looking forward to that. His mother is an emotional wreck, his dad had died in a car crash, when he was a baby, she went nuts, but at least she cleaned her act, because she had him to take care of. Which is kind of sweet in a way, but now I would have his mother weeping all over me. Gah! I am too nice sometimes, which sucks!  

Next Day

I sat in the front row, in the church, with his mother crying all over me. How did I know that was going to happen to me? I gave her look with sympathy written all over my face, poor dear, her husband and now her only son. I really do wish her the best, I feel awful, that I am leaving her behind to deal with all of this grefe do deal with. Huh!? I didn’t even want to go because of her, now I’m feeling sorry for her, and feeling bad for leaving her behind. I must be going insane. I rubbed my temples, starting to feel a slight headache going on. Please, just let this end; let him go rest in peace.

            Have you noticed that I am only using him, but not using his actual name? My mother suggested that I try only using him, instead of his real name, and you know what, she is right! It’s been helping me not to break apart, or at least not in front of anyone.

            “Tevor, sweetie did want to say anything before they place Alex in his grave?” My mom asked, with a sickly sweet fake smile on her face. Shit, so much for not mentioning his name. Thanks mom, thanks a lot.

“There is nothing left for me to say.” I answered her. That was actually the truth; I said all I needed to say when I found him. “Don’t think about it Tevor, don’t you dare go back to that memory, lock it in your black box, and never let it out again.” I think I am going crazy. I just thought I heard a little voice in my head saying that. “Yes you are going crazy.” There it is again! I think I really need to get out of here.


There it is..I don’t know how much its going to be, but on word it was almost two pages….I know its sorta depressing, but we really need this chapter! It sets everything else in place!

Oh my..I think I might actually finsh this one…well don’t get your hopes up yet!!

Ahahaha! I’m writing the next chapter, right after I finsh uploading this!

 I need more names, I am not that crative, and a new cover would be awesome!

Oh and this is up for Watty Award 2011!

So if you love this story VOTE! s

Love you,



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