Chapter Three: Demons, Demons, Rainbows, and Demons

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             Smoke clouds rose into the air. The noise and flashing lights stopped. A door opened, full steel and most likely bulletproof. It opened like the drawbridge to a castle. A man stepped out. He had no hair and a white jacket like a doctor. He wore a black spandex unitard and yellow wide-open end gloves. He had thick eyebrows over his weird eyes. One was purple, the other silver-white like mine. He had white pants made from khaki like fabric. He wore a black belt and big black boots. He had a knife in his pocket along with a gun. My head started to ache as he got closer to me. 

             Then I thought about him, or it. That evil thing wasn't even worthy of being called a man; or a human; but he was. Not the man that was a victim, no. Another man; a different man. I closed my eyes and focused. I could sense him. "Who are you?" I asked. "Definitely not a friend!" he had replied. 

             That's it! That was the man. I could sense him still, and he was even more powerful. I could tell he was evil, not worthy of being called a man. A thing; that's what he was- an evil thing. I didn't understand what had happened with the strange occurrences, but if something were to happen now I wish it could hurt him- even kill him. I focused and then froze. I gasped for air, it felt as if I were being choked and burned at the same time. My hands automatically went behind my back like I was being handcuffed- because I was being handcuffed. 

             I looked back at my hands, catching my breath. Florescent yellow-green glowing wires were tying my hand up with solid steel and gold rings trapped my hands.  

            When I tried to pull, I heard a sizzling sound and my hands would start to burn. I wanted to get that man, kick him in the face. Then I did it- I levitated a few feet in the air, bent the glowing wires, almost breaking them. I bent my feet in a kick position and flew down. I hit him straight in the face. I bent the wires enough and put enough force on them to make it so they were flimsy. I rapidly punched the bad guy, Dr. Cipyshc Steelert. I wasn't the only one with powers though. He levitated himself at least five feet in the air and made a purple ball around himself. 

             Like a meteor, blue flames formed a type of shield around the ball and as fast as lightning, he sped towards me, and knocked me into the ground, creating a giant hole. So it wasn't lightning or a bomb or any of that nonsense that blew up the plane, it was him! The victims didn't die from nuclear poisoning, it was plasma damage from the purple ball. It all made sense now. I was a skilled psychic, but he was an evil psychic. 

             I made up a game plan in my head. Let him capture me, use powers to break cuffs, knock Dr. BadGuy out, run and escape, burn down place, be free. It was pretty crappy, but it seemed good enough. So of course, I went with it. 

             I faked. I stumbled back, and fell on my face. I had a bloody nose, and played dead. What I never thought of was if he even had a workshop or not. He pulled out a device from his left pocket. It looked like a green flip-phone, but when he opened it a hologram of a demon came out of the screen. It had red eyes and dark purple skin, almost to a black. He pointed it at me, and the demon came from the phone. "Time to test this out, I guess!" said the Doctor. 

             The demon came closer, and I was scared. I focused harder than ever. The demon was shrinking, but not getting smaller. No, I wanted to kill this thing. I was shrinking his organs, the inside of his holographic body. He exploded, from the inside out. Green goo was everywhere. "Apparently I need to improve," said the evil Doctor. 

             He introduced himself. "My name is Doctor Rex. I normally don't tell people this but, I'm a psychic!" he said. I stuttered, "Y-Y-yes I know", I said. I was not going to give him my name, I'm not that stupid. "Now see, what I do is I kill other psychics, like you!" Dr. Rex said, angrily. He got in my face. "DIE!" he exclaimed in a deep, grungy voice. 

             I ran away. Faster than ever I ran away. Then he changed his form. A giant yellow demon, with only one eye in the middle of his head, colored two colors-turquoise, and hot pink. It had orange and red and black and blue spikes coming out of random parts in his body. "I will get you Miles Rain, I WILL!!!" It shouted. Now I was terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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