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After many years of death, the meadow is starting to grow grass again. Beautiful green tufts poke out from the thick brown soil that stretches for miles.
In the middle of the meadow are two graves. Colourful flowers are positioned at the stones.
One reads:
Danielle's (Dani)  smith
2002 - 2021
Last words: I love you, Jackson.

The second one reads:
Jackson Peter Smith
2001 - 2021
Last words: I love you, Dani.

A man dressed in black stands over the graves.
His deep voice whispers out:
"We are watching. Always watching"

The End.

Thank you so much for reading my first novel (World War III)!
I'm sorry for all the times I skipped updating, and frustrated you with incredibly short chapters, but hey, It's finished now!
Also, I would like to mention that although one of the main characters (Jackson) commits Sucide, it dose NOT mean that I want any of you to do so, or that I have experienced suicidal thoughts. It is simply the way that I wanted to end my story.
There will NOT be a sequel.
I love you all!
-RetartedJellyfish ❤️🐙

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