The New TV

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Bobby and Brody drove up to the Walmart in Spring County, which is located in Belton, Arizona. The family's television stopped working, and they had to get a new one before the Big Game. There Arizona Cardinals are playing the Philadelphia Eagles for the Superbowl. So they both go inside the Walmart and they are met by the greeter, who is a very nice man, probably in his early to mid 70's. The greeter says welcome to Walmart, and Bobby and Brody both say hi there. So the two young men head towards the direction of the electronics department of the store. So Bobby and Brody, who's last name is Daley are in luck. Walmart has 70 inch television on sale, so the young men call a salesmen over to get them one of those TV's. After a few minutes a tall young man, about six feet tall with a four wheel cart comes out from the back of the store, with there TV on it. The Daley brothers saw there new TV for the first time, and you tell that they were very excited. So the salesman took there new TV to the only isle that was open in Walmart.
They paid for the families new TV at isle 17 at Walmart, then they took there new TV to the Daley family home.

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