Chapter 2

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"What do you mean you don't have the groceries?" Madame Thenardier snapped at me.

"I-I-I" I studdered. I couldn't make any words come out of my mouth. Warm tears trickle down my face. When I try to wipe them away, I only push the dirt that had been on my face into my eyes making them sting.

I see a figure on the other side of the room concealed by the shadows. Madame Thenardier makes a motion and the figure approaches. Her husband, Monsieur Thenardier steps out from the darkness.

"This one didn't bring home a single item when I sent her out for groceries!" Madame snapped while pointing a boney finger at me. I lower my head, but still try to see their faces. Monsieur bends down and looks at me. I try to look away, but he brings his hand to my face and forces my chin up to look him in the eye.

"Don't let it happen again Cojette!" he spits out, "Or there will be harsh consequences." I look to the side to see Madame staring me down. I turn my head back to Monsieur Thenardier. I manage to weakly nod my head. Monsieur lets go of my chin and I quickly pull away. He stands up and makes me feel so tiny and powerless.

"For now just fetch some water from the well!" He says as he points to the door. I grab a bucket and dash out the door.

"This time you better not be empty handed!" Madame Thenardier shrieks. I continue running and I don't stop until I reach the well. Tears are flowing down my face as I lower the bucket into the well. I try not to cry as I get the water as quickly as possible.

As I walk back to inn, I drag the burdensome bucket of water through the snow behind me. I can barely pick it up because unfortunately, the bucket was bigger and held more water which made it weight more than others would I try to ignore the burning feeling on my feet as they sink into the frigid snow with each step.

I finally see the yellowish color of the lanterns in the inn glow through the branches of the trees. The snow crunches underneath my feet as I take my final few steps before I step through the doorway and inside the inn.

I place the bucket inside the kitchen and prepare to go to my room, but I see Madame and Monsieur Thenardier standing in the other room with a few other people. They are most likely people who are going to stay at the inn. I step closer in order to hear what they are saying when I realize that one of the people in the room was that boy who was mean to me earlier, Marius. The other man must either be his father or grandfather; he's most likely Marius's grandfather.

"I am glad you are choosing to stay at my inn," Monsieur Thenardier says as he holds out a hand. A tall man gives him a look of disapproval, but shakes the outstretched hand reluctantly.

"Well, you are the only inn that has available rooms." The man says slowly as he looks around. The man and the boy are wearing fancy, expensive looking outfits. I watch as Madame Thenardier slips Monsieur Thenardier something and I realize it's a pocketwatch. It's probably the man's watch.

Eponine and Azelma are standing by their parents smiling dreamily at Marius who is trying to avoid eye contact with them. He occasionally glances at them and gives them a polite smile, but then turns his attention back to his grandfather's conversation.

"Well, shall we take your coats and bring you and your son to the room?" Thenardier says as he reaches for the man's coat. The man gives Thenardier a look of disgust and pulls his sleeve away.

"That won't me necessary Monsieur," the man begins, "If you could just show us to the room, that would be lovely."

"Certainly Monsieur," Thenardier says as he motions them to follow him deeper in the inn. I watch as they walk away until I can't see them anymore. I'm about to go up to my room when I hear a creak behind me.

"Eavesdrop much?" a high voice says from behind me. I cringe. I'm in trouble now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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