Chapter 23

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Elena P.O.V

I watch him cook from the bed. I wasn't allowed to move. Dean's order.

"I hope you like pasta because that's the only thing I know how to do" He says with a low laugh.

"I like anything babe but if I were you I would stop staring at me and look at the sauce" I said pointing to the sauce overflowing.

"Oh shit" He says burning himself. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Can I get up? My ass is numb" I said uncovering myself.

'No you have to rest"

"Dean come on I've been in bed for more than 3 weeks" I get up and walk to the window.

It was sunny and beautiful.

"We should go on hike" I said making him drop something. I look at him picking up the wooden spoon.

"No" he said turning around. He was acting strange. Last night he kept looking at me with sad eyes. I wanted to ask what was wrong but he kissed my forehead and went to sleep.

"Why not?" I said walking behind him and wrap my arms around him.

"Because that thing can do out there" he said with a shrug but I can tell he was nervous about something.

"But I'm with you. I won't get hurt" I said smiling but he shook his head walking away from me.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at him angrily throw something against the wall.

"I can't do this" he said looking at his hands.

"What do you mean? I can cook if you don't want to" I said looking at him with concern.

"No I can't see you get hurt because of me. All this is because of me. Your broken ribs, your bruises and that cut is fucking my fault" he yelled punching the wall. I took a step back feeling a little afraid.

"It's not your fault Dean!" I said back but he just shook his head.

"Yes it is and what I'm going to do will make you hate me" he said whispering.

"Your giving up on us?" I said feeling my eyes fill up with tears.

"I'm doing it for your safety"

"NO! What your doing its because your a coward! You are willing to give up on us when we love each other. I can't believe you!" I said wiping my face from my tears.

He looked hurt but he looked at me emotionless.

"It's over" he said crossing his arms.

I can't believe this.

"Don't come back" I said throwing his ring at him. He gave me his ring on a necklace on our third date.

He looked hurt but he kept his cold stare.

"You are not what I thought you were. You won't fight for us because your scared. Coward" I turn around opening the door and walk to my car. I get in and completely break down.

Why is this happening to me? Why is he doing this when he loves me.


"Elena stop" Caroline says trying to take away the bottle of whiskey I have in my hand.

"No" I said chugging down the cold strong liquor.

"This isn't you Elena" Bonnie says with concern in her voice.

"We'll get use to it." I said slurring my words.

I came to Stefan's house and started drinking. He called Caroline and Bonnie to help me.

"Your drinking medicine , you can't mix that with alcohol" Stefan says from the couch. He hates when I drink.

"I don't give a fuck! I am heart broken and this h-h-helps with the pain" I said sitting down on the couch.

I try to drink but my tears were falling down on their own.

"I-I-I love him and he just left like what we feel is nothing" I sob hugging the bottle.

"Oh sweetie" Caroline sits beside me and wraps her arms around me.

"Why did he do that? Why can't he fight for I the reason why I can't be happy" I cry in her chest.

"No don't say that Elena. Dean is just scared to lose you" Bonnie tries to comfort me but its useless.

I can't never be happy. First Damon with the cheating and now Dean for leaving me.

Am I the reason why I can't be loved?

{{Poor Elena 😭 do you think Dean was right to do this? Comment what you think :) I'll try to post again tonight}}

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