The most eventful shopping trip I've ever been on

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I woke up in in my bed. Wierd. No screaming. No singing. No poking. No jumping on me. I actually woke up on my own. By my own free will. No boys waking me up or anything. This is nice. I wish I could get my sleep EVERY DAY because I feel so refreshed. Well I better get up now. "Wait, what's that bed? You want me to stay? Really? oh and you want me to stay too, pillowie?" I asked my bed and pillow. Yes I am aware that I am talking to my pillow! I'm just weird like that! "Well I'm sorry guys but I have to get up" I said to them effectively ending my one sided conversation with non living objects. I walked over to my closet and picked out a brown flowy crop top that said "WILL STRIP FOR CHOCOLATE" and stopped above my belly button, dark denim shorts, and my favorite pair of brown lace up combat boots. I brushed through my hair, leaving it naturally curly, and threw on a light brown beanie. I then put on some brown studded leather braclets, put in some brown stud earrings, and for the finishing touch I put in a heart shaped belly button ring. Yes I also have my bellybutton pierced! You learn something new every day! Am I right? I didn't bother with makeup because I don't feel like applying it right now. I glance at the clock and do a double take... 2:00 pm?!?!??! SHERBERT! SHERBERT! SHERBERT! I MISSED LUNCH!!!! (A/N: just so you guys know she was so tired that she slept through the whole day and it's the next day now) I ran into the living room and found the boys sitting on the couch. I cleared my throat and when they looked at me their mouths fell open and their eyes looked about ready to pop out of their heads. Their stares kept switching between my belly and my hand. Oh I forgot to mention that I also have a tattoo on my hand. It says "Love" in big cursive writing and is in the exact same spot as Cher Loyd's hand tattoo. (You know the one that says "Daddy") I actually modelled it after Cher Loyd's tattoo because I'm such a huge fan! But it still looks original and not like I copied her. All that's exactly the same as her's is the positioning on my hand. Oh and before I forget I also have a lip peircing, a nose peircing, an eyebrow piercing and a total of four piercings on my ear. But I never ever ever wear them all at the same time! Then that would just make me look way too scary. Anyways, back to reality! Liam was the first one to break out of his trance like state and of course he questions me. "Are there any other tattoos or peircings that I should know about?" He asked with a look that said 'Its not a question it's a demand.' So I told him about my other peircings. "When did you get them?" "I've had the tattoo and all of my peircings for a year now" I said. "Oh and I can't believe you guys didn't notice my tattoo! Was it the peircing that finally made you notice it?" I laughed my butt off. "So now that we've gotten that out of the way, I have something to ask you guys" I said getting back to want I came in here for. "Shoot" Zayn said. "Do you guys love me?" I asked them. "Yes" they said back hesitantly not really sure where this was going. Aw, poor naive boys. " THEN WHY DID YOU LET ME MISS LUNCH?!?!?!??!!!??!?!" I screamed at them. "The boys made us leave you alone and let you sleep. I wanted to wake you up so you could eat but they were big fat meanies" said Louis pouting like a child. "And who is 'us'?" I asked curiously. "Me and Nialler" he grinned. "At least you two love me! Come here, I want to hug you both and don't you dare try to intterrupt our hug you- you... People who like to starve Josie!!!!" I shouted dramatically. The two boys ran to me a puled me into a hug almost squishing my internal organs in the process. "Guys... c-can't b-breathe" i managed to choke out. They immeadiately let go of me and I welcomed the beautiful oxygen back into my deprived lungs. Once I got my breath back I plopped down on the couch and said to Liam "Yo bro go make me a sammich!" And yes I did just say sammich... It's a funner way to say sandwich! Wait... Is funner a word??? Hmmm... Oh well! Who cares?! Oooooh LiLi's back! I hope he has me a sammich... EMPTY HANDS!!! Hold up just a second... "Yo LiLi, where's my sammich?" I asked him. "First of all... I want you to promise me that you won't freak out on me... Promise me?" He asked. "I promise" I said. "You promise what?" He prompted me. "I promise not to freak uot on you" I said although I'm really confused right now. Why would he ask me that?? Guess I'm about to find out. He scratched the back of his neck, just like he always does when he's nervous before continuing "Well you see... The thing is... Yourealloutiffood" he mumbled. "Speak up LiLi, I can't hear ya" I said. I'm starting to feel worried now. "You're. all. out. of. food." he said slowly. WHAAAAAAAT?!!!!?!?!?!?? "Ok! I gotta go shopping... LIKE NOW!!!!" I yelled frantically getting up and looking for my car keys, finally finding them on the kitchen countertop. "Hold up just a second" Louis said getting in front of me "I wanna come with you" he said. "Yeah me too" Zayn said. "I'd love to come with you babe" winked Harry. And the response I liked the most wasTHIS IS A DIRE EMERGENCY!!! I NEED TO COME WITH YOU BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T GET FOOD I WILL DIE!!!" If you guessed that that was Niall then you guessed correctly. I giggled "What do you think LiLi? You up for the trip?" I asked him. "Sure.. Someones gotta keep all of you," he said while pointing at each of the boys, "under control, but we're gonna need disguises... Does all of you have a hoodie and sunglasses at least?" He asked them. They all shook their heads no. He sighed "Then I gue-" "WAIT! I have sunglasses, hoodies and other clothes for boys in the guest room" I said. "Why do you have boy's clothes in your flat?" Zayn asks. I look at him then look down, blushing with embarassment, before looking back up through my eyelashes and saying "Well... I had boys clothes prepared just in case Liam were to stop in and visit... I always hoped he would" I said grinning sheepishly and feeling my blush deepen just a smidge. "Can you show us where the guest room is?" Niall asked smiling at me. "Sure, just follow me" I smiled back at him. I started walking assuming they were behind me because of the sound of their footsteps. I turned down the hallway, just past the kitchen and walked utill I got to the end of the hallway, I then turned into the bedroom right across from my room. I went straight to the closet and pulled out a five pairs of black Ray Bans, five different colored Jack Wills hoodies and a green snapback. "Here you go boys" I handed them each a pair of Ray Bans and a hoodie, which they all put on, but I was sneaky and gave the Irish one the green hoodie and snapback. "Niall..." I said to him "Yes Josie?" He replied. "I better get that snapback back because that is actually mine but I'm just being a dear and lending it to you" I said. "Dont worry Josie, I'll give it back" he reassured me. "Kk, now that you've got your disguises... Lets go!!" I lead them back out of the room, stopping at my room to stuff wallet in my front pocket, out of the hallway, grabbing my keys off the counter again, and out the front door. I walked to the garage, with the boys in tow, and unlocked my car. My car is a Volkswagon beetle and it's a lavender color with a big green four leaf clover on the hood. I love my car!!!! Her name is Samantha and she is my baby!!!! And yes I'm still talking about the car here! It's not wierd... It's perfectly normal to name your car... At least for me it is. Before they start running and fighting over who gets to ride shot gun I said "Zayn gets to sit shot gun because I actually haven't gotten to talk to him as much as I have with you people so Zayn, passengers seat, everyone else, to the back!" I got into the driver's seat, Zayn got in the passenger's seat and everyone else slid into the backseat. You see Samantha is very spacious so they were able to sit back there, right next to each other, without being squished. Once everyone put on their seatbelt and I introduced them to Samantha we were off.

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