•Three• What Do You Get When You Mix Death & Fire?

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{Jordan Parrish}

Emma and I sat in a private room at the police station. I hear a flicker and look up from my notepad. Emma was playing with a lighter.

"You're going to burn your finger doing that." I tell her as I put my pen down for the moment.

"Did you know that Fire represents life? Many cultures, use fire to feed their families, keep themselves warm, and also like a dark path." She says as she looks at the flame them blows it out.

"Is that so?" I say raising a brow.

"Yeah, so do you know any magic tricks?" She asks me.

"Can't say that I do, well there is this one trick with a playing card."

Her face lights up after I tell her that.

"Show me."

"Another time, Emma. Now back to the question-"

"Give me your hand." I frown at her request and she pouts.

"Please?" I give in and give her my hand.

"I think I seen something like this in a movie once." She smirks and flicks the lighter underneath my open palm.

I snatch it back from her.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you trust me?" She says with a smile as she reaches for my hand.


"Do you trust me enough to that this trick won't hurt?" The look in her eye tells me that I can trust her but how far?

I hesitate but give her my hand. She places my hand up in the air and lights the lighter underneath it. I stare at the flame and after three seconds I snatch my hand back.

"Son of a bit-"

Emma laughs at me and she sounds a little sinister.

"You can trust me all the way, now let's do this again but this time just look at me."

"What am I getting out of this other than a minor burn?"

"Whatever you want, now come on and remember look at me."

I sigh but give her my hand again. "Don't think about the flame, don't think about the heat. Don't even think about it hurting, just keep your eyes on me..."


She then lights the lighter and I do as she says.

I don't think about the flame, or the pain all I do is keep my eyes on her.

I felt like her eyes were slowly sucking me in. I smell smoke in my concentration on her keeps me from looking away.

"Ouch!" She yelps and I blink coming out of the trance.

"What happened? You okay?" I ask as I see her hold her thumb.

"My thumb was too close to the flame." She blows it and I take her hand and examine it to be sure the burn wasn't too bad.

"You trusted me." I look up and she was just staring at me.

"Are you okay?" She asks as she uses her other hand to examine my hand that the lighter was under.

I nod and she shows me the soot mark in the middle of my palm.

"Yeah...I didn't feel anything..." I look at my own hand and wonder why I didn't feel anything at all.

Blood & Chocolate •A Jordan Parrish Fan Fic•Where stories live. Discover now