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Hi my name is Maria, BTW there is no h at the end of my name. I am also sometimes shy around other girls because I don't want them to jump me if I try to smack talk them then they would literally kill me. They on the wrestling team for girls, ain't nobody got time for that. I am 5'7 and yea I ain't that tall,who cares. I like singing,cheerleading , and of course shopping.I am on the cheerleading team. My best friend is Alexis aka lexi.I know u guys already know that I come from a very harsh family tree but I try to stay positive about it. I had a bae,YASSSSSSSSSSSSS! His name is Hunter. I love him so much. I am very smart.♡ This is me!

Sup my homies, I am Hunter. I have a beautiful girlfriend, Maria. But I ain't no 1 man guy I like dem girls with a butt and boob 2. Enough about that I like to play basketball,have sex with girls,and I love nicki minaj. My best friend is Tyler. I ain't got no past that Is as bad as Maria's but I do sell drugs with my best friend. I am 17 years old,6'5,and I an on the basketball team. This is me yo,PEACE!

HEY! I am Alexis but people call me Lexi. I am 17 years old, 5'5,and I am on the cheerleading team with my best friend Maria. I like this boy named Tyler but I am not going to tell him that because I am afraid if I tell him he won't like me back. Yep I like to cheer,twerk(just kidding) and I like to go shopping with best friend. When dem other girls try to jump Maria I always got her back cause I take karate and karate is better then wrestling. Anyway this is who I am!

What's up! I am Tyler but yall can call me ty. I like this one girl named Alexis but I bet she barley even recognizes me. I am 17 years old,6'5, I play basketball with my best friend Hunter. Yep I sell drugs with him 2 even though my mom would kick me out if she saw me doing that or knew but who and wat gives. I like having it with girls. This is my story lol. Bye

Hey guys I am Marco but u can call me marc. I like playing basketball, I am looking for a girl who is special, who is confident about herself,not too boogie,and who can tell me how she feels about anything. I am on the basketball team with Tyler and Hunter but they don't even notice me half of the time because they are always messing around with girls. Of course girls come to me and ask me do I want to have sex with them but I say no cause I barely know them and they could have aids or something. I am 17 years old,and I am 6'6. This is me.

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