Akame the Ninja Dog

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Akame the Ninja Dog

One afternoon, when Gin and the other dogs are resting from trying to find Sakura even though it's fall...

Akame: Gin!!! I'm a ninja!

Gin: *Sigh* Akame, for the last time- being that kind of breed doesn't make you an actual ninja!

Akame: Yeah, it does! Watch! *does weird paw-motions* Ninjasarecool no Justu!


Akame: Dija see that?!

Gin: No...

Akame: EXACTLY! I am a ninja!!!

Gin: That was a lame joke and no, you are not a ninja.

Akame: Ha! Oh yeah?! Watch! I can do ninja stuff!!! *does ninja stuff with chalkra, the doggy form of chakra, only it's made of chalk*


Gin: *gasp!* WHAT IN THE NAME OF MONSTER BEARS?!?!? Now you've done it, Akame!!!

Akame: I TOLD you!! I'm a ninja!!

Kyuubi (the Nine tailed fox): GAHHH I HEARD SOME BLUE DOG HATES WAFFLES!!! *stares at Gin* GAHHH!!!

*Gin gets randomly killed by giant fox*

Suddenly, Kyuubi and Akame realize that Gin loved waffles and was it's fan on FaceBook

Kyuubi: Sorry, I got my sources mixed up...

Akame: Hey, can I go to Konoha with you??

Kyuubi: Surez

*poof* Akame and Kyuubi teleport in the TARDIS out of the area.

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