Chapter Three: The Confession

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[< Hinata's POV >]

I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and remembered that Kageyama let me stay at his house cause of my ankle and how late it was. I've always had a crush on Kageyama, but knowing how he is, he'd probably reject me. For anything Kageyama was less likely to be gay. Sure he was nicer than usual to help me, but I knew he was just helping as a friend and nothing more.

I pulled the covers off of me and stood up. Nearly falling, I leaned up against the wall for support 'till I was able to walk a bit better. I walked out of the room and headed to the couch. Kageyama was still asleep, but I could tell he was starting to wake up. I walked over to one of the windows in the living room and looked out.

"Your awake?" Kageyama asked from behind me, making me jump.

"Ye-yeah..."I studdered, turning towards him.

"Want to go out to eat since there's literally nothing here?" He asked, stretching his arms above his head.

"Um... sure..." I said.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it," he assured me.

I nodded. He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I sat on the couch, still looking around, seeing how big the place was. It was too big for just a teenager like Kageyama to live in. To be honest, it was nice, I sure liked it. I thought that Kageyama was lucky, but I also thought that he was lonely at the same time.

Kageyama cane out of the bathroom and snuck up behind me. He put one of his hands on my head, making me jump. I looked up at him and laughed. He told me to go wash up, so I did. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

After we left his house and ate at a small diner, we took a walk in a big field. I recognized the field once we got there. Me and my little sister used to run abound. I first started junior high, we came here and had some fun. [< A/N: I hear the perverts... I promise you it wasn't that way -_- >]

We came to a cliff that overlooked an amazing lake. I thought that it was time to confess mg feelings to Kageyama, but I knew there was at least a 95% chance he'd reject me. But th  other 5% got the best of me, making me say it, though I really didn't want to.

"K-Kageyama..." I stuttered, turning towards him.

"Hm?" He turned towards me.

"I... I'm..." I started to say.

"Your what?" Kageyama asked, confused.

"I'm in love with you, Kageyama Tobio!"

[< Ah! I'm sorry guys!!! It's been weeks I know but I had some problems with my wattpad publishing and stuff so I had to do a few things. I also woke up at 7 in th  morning to finish typing this -_- BUT I USUALLY WAKE UP EARLY ANYWAYS!!! HUEHUEHUE!!! Any who... I know it's late but I just wanted to ask... How Was Your 4th Of July? .3. My was pretty awesome... though I got a bit sick from it XD. CRAP I'M GETTING OFF TOPIC HERE EHHHHHHH!!! Ok so I'm making another story while I'm making this one, it's a JeanMarco story. Yes. JeanMarco. Get ready to have your feels taken away. hah. I'm such an evil child. ANYWAY!!! I hope I can get the first chapter of that out really soon! I started putting it on my Inastagram but I stopped that... idk why. I'm just stupid that way .3. ok I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you like my JeanMarco Fan Fiction! (( once I get the first chapter out -_- )) WELL BYE GUYS <3 >]

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