Chapter Three: Bruised & Broken

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I didn't want to move,

I didn't want to talk,

I didn't want to breathe,

I didn't want to do anything, because everything ached all over.

I didn't want to remember, but I also didn't forget.

I did, because tears, much to my annoyance, well in my eyes, and the bruises seem to throb more.

I didn't, because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.

"Jayy! We're on in less than two hours! Get your lazy ass ready!" Hayley's shrieking voice made me jump from under the bed covers, but then wince as the movement hurt my ribs. She rapped her knuckles once more on the door before I heard her footsteps walk away.

We have a concert tonight? You have to be kidding me. There was no way I can go out like this.

Should I call in sick? No, everyone will get suspicious and crowd me with questions - I didn't want to talk to anyone right now - not to mention my vocal cords hurt from screaming so much last night.

I sighed before rolling on my side and getting up with a grunt. I still hurt all over, I'm surprised I could even flex a muscle.

Shower. I needed a shower.

I managed to toss the covers off and place my feet on the ground before the world before me tilted. I gasped, putting my hands on either side of me to regain my balance, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. I swallowed the sudden bitter taste of vomit back down when it threatened to escape my mouth before willing myself to stand, breathing deeply as I made my way to the bathroom connected to our room.

Another hit of nausea slammed me just as quickly before and I grasped the sink I was now standing in front of, heaving up the dinner I had on last night's date. My eyes burned with my throat and when I finished, I turned the tap on and watched the faucet spew water, washing away the chunks of chicken I ate down the drain.

I gulped in breaths of fresh air, lifting my head to look up a myself in the mirror, wincing when I saw my beaten and bruised self. A nasty looking bruise on my left temple was turning a dark purple color, while the scratches on my shoulder blades made it look like I fought someone with razor blades as fingernails. The stud on my lip tore, dry blood and a gross looking yellow puss-like liquid trailing down my chin. There were several angry looking bite marks along my body; chest, hips, neck, and if I turned a bit to the right, one right above my left buttock. My eyes trailed down the curve of my butt to my upper-legs, seeing a red lining - blood, running down my inner thighs.

Damn. What was I going to do?

I moved my sore body to the shower, sighting the fingermark-bruises on my wrist as I reached over and turned the knob, watching water shoot from the head. I waited for the temperature to adjust to something comfortable to me before stepping in. I was hoping the water would help soothe my numbness and sore skin and bruises, but it more felt like I was getting stung all over my sensitive skin.

I grabbed the bar of soap, not even bothering with a wash cloth and slid the toiletry over my body, wincing as the pressure made me throb even more. I ignored the pain, scrubbing myself, but no matter how hard I tried, I didn't feel clean, I felt completely repulsive, disgusting.

When the sob wracked out of my throat, I blinked in surprise finally realizing the hot trails of tears going down my cheeks. I frowned at my pathetic state, but didn't hold back when another distressed cry come from me. I dropped the soap and grabbed my head, feeling my shoulders shake along with my emotions.

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