LIFE : Phase 1

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LIFE... - From the day we are born...we are running in a non-ending race. No one knows where the race ends. Our Birth date is not the day when we are born but is the date when all of us were being registered for a long race. You must be eager to know, who the apponents or competetors are.? They are directly proportional to the population because everyone participates in the race.

The only moment when the tension does'nt wander around us is the moment when we are not aware of the race. .i.e our Childhood days...

From the Childhood ...our destination is fixed by our parents.
PARENTS...the one n only who cares about us...who thinks about us...

Each and Every Parent has a hope from there child. Some of them even thinks his career. It is just like a data being transfered from server to destination computer. just like data is not consulted at all , we are carried from childhood to our future.

Every child wishes to complete her/his Parents Dreams...but god gives according to the deeds done in our last birth.

Ofcoarse we dont remember our last birth. see , If you dont remember even your childhood days you could remember your LAST BIRTH.!

Some prople has a question that why god gives Life if he has to take it back.? either he can stop giving life or taking away life.
The Answer is simple. God, by giving life is giving a chance to see who utilizes it and who wastes it. you may call it as a Opportunity.

Assume that god is giving this chance (Life) on loan and after a certain period of time you have to give it back with interest. your good deeds is your interest.

Some of them has a question that rich can afford education but what about the poor.? It is also simple.
God just wants to see how the person manages in the given Environmement. .i.e. with the provided requirementns. if he is poor, He can manage his Life in a different way as he one stops him.

but if you are rich and can afford education, Its your and your task to take as much profit as possible from the provided environment. Learn, take Education, aquire a good job, keep your family happy and be satisfied. Remember, the only moment we are satisfied is the moment when we are completed with all our responsibilities.

some of them ask why god has not distributed knowledge equallu.?
But Thats not true...God has distributed it equally, the thing which matters is just the CONCENTRATION. The one who are poor and still has a will to study, those sometimes succeed rather than those who are rich but not interested in studies.

Remember there are only two things which make a person scholar...
Those are: INTEREST and CONCENTRATION. people rather than going to classes should improve these two...

Always Remember: God feels much much Bad when a talented child with well received environment fails to succeed.
Here ENVIRONMENT means the background , i.e. rich, supporting, helping, inspirational, promoting Family...

So dont waste your precious chance gifted by god and...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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