Part Six

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In the land of Gods and Monsters, I was an angel living in the garden of evil.

-unknown POV-

I've been monitoring the demon's movements around the boroughs for a few months now, planning on making my move. She's recently been visiting a woman who is a popular singer named Lana. I suspect they are in some sort of relationship, her visits are frequent and she usually spends long periods of time there.

I don't believe she knows that my partner and I have been watching her. She evaded London and moved to the Big Apple for sanctuary. Little does she know that there are demon hunters all over New York City...

We've decided to lay low the few months she's been here but we think we've found a weak spot. Our next goal is kidnapping that Lana girl. That'll bait Marina straight into our trap and we'll have one of the most infamous demons captured, plus the price that's on her head is pretty hefty, so we'll be well paid.

I can't wait to drive that blade into her chest.

In due time....

-Lana's POV-

Marina had just left and I'd been cleaning up around the apartment, trying to make it look presentable for my sister, Chuck who is coming over early tomorrow morning. I can't wait for her to meet Marina, I just know they'd get along well.

Whistling a random tune to myself after folding blankets on the couch, I lazily laid down and pulled out my phone, which was indicating that I have a text from Marina.

"I swear someone is watching me, Lana. A woman followed me from two blocks after I left your house and she didn't take her eyes off of me once. My leader back in London promised I'd be safe in NYC. I fear that you aren't safe either, but I'm not 100% sure yet. I could just be paranoid." It read.

I frowned and texted her back.

Hopefully it's just paranoia. Don't worry, Marina. I'll be fine. Are you ready to meet Chuck tomorrow? I've finally got the apartment cleaned up for it.

I sent it and set my phone down, hopping up and heading to the kitchen to get some water.

I smiled to myself, knowing that Marina and I are going smoothly. She's been more easy on me and I haven't been feeling as weak lately. I'm extremely happy with her, I think I've found the one I want to settle down with. I never thought that I'd think that, either. Barely any of my past relationships have ended well.

Out of nowhere, a chill ran up my spine. I feel like I'm not alone, either. I freeze, my eyes darting around the side of the room that I can see. A hand lands on my shoulder and I whip around as fast as I can.

I'm looking into light brown eyes that are made up with sharp eyeliner and mascara. The girl has dark, curly hair and she's dressed in all black. Her mouth is curved into a triumphant smile.

"Oh, Lana dear. I'm sorry it has to go down like this." The next thing I see is her fist flying into my face, sending me backwards and my head slamming into the coffee table. Everything starts spinning before it goes completely black and I'm shrouded in a cloudy unconsciousness.


Where am I?

My head is throbbing. I can feel a cut on my forehead oozing blood and dripping onto my eyelid. I'm fear opening my eyes, as I'm not sure what's happening to me or even worse...what's going to happen to me.

I realize my hands and legs are bound together as well, and I don't even try to fight against them. Pausing and listening, I don't hear anyone breathing or moving, only the slight buzzing sound of an air conditioner. Opening my eyes, I find myself in a basement. I can hear the occasional sound of a taxi's horn beeping, indicating that I'm still somewhere in the city.

Marina was right. I silently hope for her to come find me and save me from all of this, I don't know if I'm going to die or not...

I can hear footsteps coming towards the basement stairs, and then the door swings open. Black shoes, black leggings, black hoodie...then that curly hair. It's the girl that kidnapped me. She's got a sharp nose and full lips, painted cherry red.

"Ah. I see you're finally awake." The British accent in her voice is very prominent, just like Marina's.

"What do you want with me?" My voice is quiet and shaking, slightly scratchy as well. My throat is bone-dry.

She smiles. "As you already know, Marina is a demon. What you didn't know, is that human demon hunters like myself have been trying to kill her for over 450 years. My family has been doing this for generations, along with others. You see, demons shouldn't belong on the human plane, meddling with human affairs or any such thing. She's the worst of them. Succubi feed off of human's souls to keep their own rejuvenated. In all reality, I'm doing you a favor by sparing your life and killing your demon 'lover' then letting you go with no memory of this ever happening."

I shake my head furiously. "No. I won't let you kill her. Kill me instead."

She laughs. "Then you will die for nothing, if that's what you want. You'll never see her again, even in your afterlife. She won't be able to see you there. It's not within her reach, because she's not human. She is a monster. Maybe we would have left her alone if she didn't steal thousands of souls in London over the past five centuries. "

"Then why is she in New York City?"

She sighs, pulling her hair out of her face and turns to me.

"You ask a lot of questions. We were about to get her in London. She had nowhere else to hide, so she fled to New York City. Since we have demon hunters on every corner of the globe, it didn't take us very long to find her. This city is bustling with minor demons working under the higher demons. She's one of the most infamous ones. Now before you ask me anything else..." She grabs a roll of duct tape and leans down close to me, pulling off a strip and covering my mouth with it.

"Now we play the waiting game." she says and chuckles malevolently, heading back up the stairs and shutting the door behind her.


I don't know how much time has passed. All I know is that the sun went down because there's a small window by the stairs and it feels like I've been sitting here for an eternity. I don't know if she's ever going to come save me, or if she's already fled to save herself and leave me in fear and misery. I wonder if she even knows that I'm gone. We're always texting each other, and I know I've been gone for at least 8 hours....she has to know that something's up.

I groan, but it comes out muffled due to the duct tape covering my mouth. Shutting my eyes, I lean my head back against the support beam I'm tied to. How the hell did I get myself into this situation?

At least another hour had gone by when I heard the basement window being opened and a body climb through. Opening my eyes and letting my vision adjust to the darkness, I kicked my feet against the floor to let whoever in here know that I'm here as well. They came over to me and pulled the duct tape off of my mouth.

"Thank you," I breathe out.

"Did you seriously think I wouldn't come save you?" Marina whispers. She starts undoing the restraints on my arms and legs, then lifts me up in her arms. "You're going out the window first, just in case Charlotte comes down here and sees us."

I nod, and she hoists me up. Climbing through the window, I scramble on to the pavement and help Marina through the window.

"Climb onto my back. We've gotta get out of here, fast."

I did as she said and before I knew it, we were off. Uncertainty flooded my thoughts as I realized that my life is about to change drastically. Once I chose Marina, any chance I had of leading a normal life was gone. There's no going back now.

Author's Note - As you guys probably already know...I love plot twists. Pleasepleaseplease tell me what you think of this chapter!!! Don't forget to vote! :)

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