Journey's Beginning (Nico)

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Nico woke up suddenly, to a sound of complete agony coming from the other side of the room. Will. Before he had even opened his eyes, he tried to sit up, but was lying on his stomach so he just ended up falling in a tangle of sheets. In the pre-dawn darkness they felt like tentacles, constricting his breathing and movement. 

He broke free and scrambled to his feet, tripping in the fabric until he gained his footing. He took two huge steps, and then fell to his knees in front of Will's bunk. Will was curled into a ball, whimpering. His tears had completely soaked through the pillow, making the color appear like a stain of dried blood.

"Will!" Nico couldn't stand him to be in so much pain. This was only a nightmare, but from experience Nico knew just how excruciating those could be. 

But still, Will didn't wake up. Nico shouted his name again and again and shook him but Will seemed to be trapped in the dream. Finally, Nico knew it was time for drastic measures.

He grabbed the cup of water he kept by his bedside and dumped it on Will's face, but still it didn't work. Will was still sobbing into his pillow, whimpering about a war and saying someone's name over and over again until it didn't sound like a word anymore.

Overwhelmed and terrified, Nico leaned down and kissed Will, as if somehow that could make it better.

Will's eyes didn't open, but his breathing slowed and he lay still. He stopped talking, and his eyes were no longer flicking frantically beneath his lids. The only sign that he was still alive was that tears still slipped silently down his cheeks, an unceasing stream of sorrow.

Exhausted, Nico fell back into bed.

Hades' throne room.

Nico knew this place well.

A copy of Mount Olympus, rendered in obsidian and black marble. Veins of gold and silver cut their way through the walls. Skeletons guarded the doors. As if Hades need any protection. He sat on his throne of remains,  lounging over tortured souls like they were fine silk.

Nico addressed his father, trying to sound nonchalant. "I see you've redecorated. I like the purple fire. Nice touch."

Hades sighed. Nico was often worried that one day he would grow tired of Nico and make him disappear. But then Nico remembered that he was all Hades had left of his mother.

"Yes, well I thought a change of scenery might be nice. But that's not why I called you here." Hades pursed his lips. "Some darkness is shadow. Just plain lack of light. They are nothing to be afraid of, if you haven't angered me. But there is another power. A primordial force that controls the darkness. Usually he is dormant...but I have sensed an awakening. Since about 1932." He stared hard at Nico. "Ever since-"

"I was born." Nico finished for him.

Hades was solemn. "Yes. Nico-" he stopped. "Just be careful on your quest. Know which shadow to trust. Promise me you won't go looking for Ere- the entity. Just get Leo. And then come home."

'And on your own word, you will choke.' Nico thought, grimacing. 'I hate prophecies.'

"I promise."

Hades smiled. One of the few times Nico had ever seen him do so.

Nico was lifted out of the dream gently, like a soft hand was pulling his consciousness out of deep water.

He blinked hid eyes open.

The quest.

We leave today.


I have to pack.


Will was already gone, presumably to his own cabin to pack.

Nico grabbed his backpack, and threw  in some extra clothes, a toothbrush and toothpaste, euros, U.S. dollars, and drachmas. He paused, staring at the pack, and then threw in some denarii, just in case they met some Romans. Always good to be safe.

Nico walked out to the dining pavilion, and sat at the table with Jason and Percy. He was late again, because he had spent too much time packing after already sleeping in late. Whatever. It wasn't like they were going to kick him out, right.

Percy was eating blue bacon. And blue eggs. And had a glass of blue milk. Nico wasn't entirely sure how he had managed to get it, but he thought it was better not to ask. Jason seemed to think the same thing, as he was staring mesmerized at Percy's food, without saying anything.

Nico set his pack down, and then went to get his food. He knew he had to eat. And his doctor wouldn't allow him to go on the quest unless he stayed healthy.

He sacrificed a portion of his food to his father, but he wasn't sure it got to him. Smoke travels up, but Hades was down below. He shook his head. God logic.

Sitting down at the table again, Nico saw that Percy had moved on from his bacon and was now eating the blue eggs. He would never understand that man.

"Hey, Percy."

Percy looked up. "Can I ask a favor?"

Nico could tell Percy was about to make a joke, but Nico's look of death stopped him in his tracks.

"What is it?"

"I would ask Annabeth directly,  but I know that she's busy all day-"

"And I'm not?"

"I just have to leave soon and you're here."

Percy was about to retort, but Jason covered his mouth with his hand. "Shh."

Nico nodded his thanks to Jason and continued. "I talked to Hades last night, in a dream."

"Hate those." Percy muttered. 

"He said that there was a force of darkness rising, a primordial entity. He wouldn't tell me what it is, but I need to know."

"Did he mention a name? Maybe I could talk to the gods..." Jason looked interested. He took off his glasses and cleaned them with his shirt, thinking.

"No. But he did say half of one. Ere- I don't have the rest."

Percy seemed deep in thought. "I'll talk to Annabeth. See what she knows."

"I'll help." Jason said.

"Thanks." Nico smiled, and stood. "Iris message me with progress."

"Hey, Nico?" Percy said.


"Good luck."

"Leo is a good friend," Jason added. "All of you are. Come home."

Nico walked over to the Apollo table, and when he saw Will was done eating, he touched his shoulder.

"We should go."

Will looked around the camp wistfully. Nico did too, taking in the scent of strawberries and cut grass. They stepped off the dining pavilion, and as they walked past Chiron he saluted them. Mr. D wasn't awake yet, but they knew they should leave before he did.

On the edge of the forest was the darkest place in the early morning.

I'm ready.

"Let's go."

Will nodded, his face braced for shadow travel.

Nico took Will's hand, and stepped into the darkness.

AN: I know this book is moving slowly, so sorry for that.

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