Chapter 10: Views

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"This is ridiculous. I'm not doing it."

"I'll be there."

"That's great, tell me all about when you get back. .."

"Miss, it's commpletely safe, I have over twenty years experience in this."

"See! Besides, who ever heard of a balloon crash?"

"Anything that flies can crash...horribly."

"Well if we die you can spend eternity saying I told you so, I know you can't resist that opportunity."

"It is tempting."

She smiled at him; he placed his hands on her waist and looked down into her eyes.

"You're supposed to trust me, remember?"

She nodded and shrugged.

"We've all got to go sometime, I guess..."

She resisted the urge to sit in a huddled ball of fear in the corner of the balloons basket and instead held onto Toms hand for dear life as the colorful vehicle took off into the air and slowly hovered in the, the cityscape far, far, below them. Tom shook his head as Jacks gingerly leaned past him to get a look at the view. She gasped and stepped to the edge of the basket, her fear forgotten as she looked at the beauty of the city which loomed in every direction beneath her. She reached back for his hand and he gave it to her. He stood directly behind her and placed his hands on the basket ledge as well, her body between his arms. She was mesmerized as she looked down and so was he; her by the landscape, him by her.

"It's amazing. I can see everything and it’s beautiful."

"Isn't it?"

"Yes. You were right; you can rub it in as much as you want." She gently pinched his hand and he smiled. "Now, tell me what everything is, since you made me leave my guidebook."

He spent the rest of the ride pointing out landmarks and trying not to notice how incredible she smelled, or how beautiful her hair was as it blew around in the wind. He talked so well the balloon operator offered him his card as they landed, in case he was interested in becoming a tour guide. Tom graciously accepted it, and thanked him. Jacks grinned at his politeness and modesty, he was always so kind. In all the time she'd spent with him since their first meeting in New York, he had never stopped being that guy who went out of his way for others. The balloon hit the ground and shook, sending her body into his. He held her in his arms as she steadied herself; she kissed his cheek before she stood up straight. He blushed, she felt the urge to kiss him again; adorable was an understatement for the way he looked.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I just felt like it; I guess your plan is working."


They sat at the bar, waiting for their drinks to arrive, and listened to the music that wafted through the smoky room. Someone was playing a cover of a Mumford and sons song. Jacks’ body swayed a little to the music.

"So apparently your body does that when your near alcohol , not just when you're drunk."

She shot him a look, playful and mischievous.

"You can be a real smart ass sometimes, Tom, did you know?"

"Only occasionally."

"Well for your information; my body does that whenever it hears good music. I like music."

"Good for you, there's a piano on that stage and its open mic night..."

"I'll go up there, it's no big deal."


"Sure, just be ready to run when it's over, people don't take too kindly to me making their ears bleed."

He laughed, she sipped her chocolate martini and smiled.

"So am I going up there or’re the boss."

"Then you're up next."

She smiled, knowing exactly what song she'd play. Minutes later as she took the stage she tickled the keys for a moment to make sure they were in tune and then sat at the bench. She sighed to herself, not at all nervous because of the fact that no one seemed to be paying much attention to the artists, opting instead to chat loudly and throw back drink after drink. She shrugged and spoke into the microphone.

"This one’s for the guy who hums this song in his sleep sometimes. He knows who he is."

Tom almost choked as he laughed upon hearing the intro to the Radiohead song she began to play, but as she continued he was amazed once again by her talent. Her rendition of Creep was epic, rousing, and had the full attention of everyone in the bar, noted by the standing ovation she received as she finished and beamed her way off stage and back to the bar. No one clapped harder or loudly than Tom, who cheered and whistled as she sat down. The noise died down as the next performer took the stage.

"That poor bloke ought to just go home, no one could follow you."

"You exaggerate. Besides, he’s singing, I just played an instrumental."

She blushed as he went on about her talent. She'd been told she was gifted all her life, but hearing Tom say it made it feel so much more special; she knew he was being sincere.

"Do I really hum that in my sleep?  I had no idea."

"Sure you do. You hum other songs too, but I thought Creep was better for this crowd. There's a moody vibe in here."

"Did I tell you that you were amazing?"

"Yeah, but it never gets old."

"You're amazing."

"I like my lessons so far, by the way." She smiled at him, recovering from the blush that overtook her and suddenly shy as he met her eyes over the rim of his glass. " What's next?"

"Home...unfortunately I have to get up pretty early tomorrow, I've got a photo shoot and an interview and a few meetings in between. But I've got something you'll really like planned for tomorrow night. Much more laid back than all of this."


"It's a surprise."

"But I'll wonder all day tomorrow...give me a hint at least!"

"Road trip."


"That's the surprise."

He said matter of factly as he stood and helped her down off of her stool. He took her back to Julien’s apartment and like his gentlemanly self, walked her all the way in to Julien’s door. She pulled out the key they had so graciously given her, and reluctantly put it in the door. 

“Since you have get up early I guess it’d be rude of me to ask you to come in.”

“Please don’t. I have no will power, and Luke will kill me if I’m late.”

She nodded and smiled, a smug look on her face.

“Now who’s obsessing over work..”

“I’m not obsessing.” He narrowed his eyes and looked very serious. “I’m being a responsible adult.”

“Funny, that’s what I tell myself when I’m sacrificing things for work. It’s okay. You’re a hypocrite though.”

“Wow.” His voice suddenly became deeper as he leaned against the door frame, invading her personal space and making it difficult for her to concentrate on the lock. “You really want me to come inside, don’t you?”

“Don’t flatter yourself Hiddleston.” She said with a sly smile as she opened the door. “You’re the one who likes me, not the other way around! Remember that. Good Night.”

He shook his head and laughed as she closed the door. It was obvious her resolve to stay away from him was slowly crumbling, and he could not have been more thrilled. 

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