Dressing For Success

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      People take clothes, make up, jewelry, and other beauty products the wrong way. People seem to think that you either need these to be beautiful or you shouldn't have any fancy things. Often, us gals think are on one side or the other of this spectrum. For people in the middle, it's even more confusing.

     Is is okay to enjoy clothes and dressing up?

     Once upon a time there was a girl who was afraid to dress up. She misunderstood the meaning of beauty, so she thought it was a shameful thing. She thought that relationships between man and wife must be all about our bodies since that's the picture the culture around her painted. 

    She was afraid to dress up, because she was afraid to look attractive...since she didn't understand that beauty is beyond the body.

    That was me.

    I was uncomfortable in my own skin, thinking that the only reason I had value was my body.

    Guess what, girlfriends?

    That's just another lie the devil had fed me. Feeds girls around the world.

     But, God worked with me. My heart healed of the insecurities and I can wear something pretty. Why? Because I realized a very important truth to combat the lie: I don't wear things to make me beautiful; I wear nice things because I know I'm beautiful.

       That's something really important. You are worth so much more than what your body can do. And someday a man will love you for the beautiful soul God created you to be. But, for now, don't waste time feeling insecure and abused. 

        It's okay to dress up.

        In fact, I encourage you to.

       Dress for success. Dress modestly but beautifully in outfits that make you smile inside. Dress in nice clothes because you are beautiful and nothing can change that. Wear jewelry just because you love the sparkle of the earrings. Wear it because it reminds you, not makes you beautiful.

     The only reason to be concerned is if you're too concerned with your appearance. I think most girls are. I still struggle with this. After all, society tells us that beauty is the most important thing there is.

      But you're not going to use that as an excuse.

      You're going to keep saying, I don't need anything to be beautiful. Nothing can add to a beautiful creation of God... I'll wear jewelry and fancy clothes if I enjoy it. But I know that I don't need it to be desirable.

        That's the important part, friend.

       If you can set aside your vanity and realize that you are beautiful as you are, there's nothing wrong with enjoying girly things in life: getting your nails done, doing your hair, ect.

     The problem is when your appearance becomes your self-esteem.

     Proverbs 31:30 (NLT) tells us this:

     "Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised."

       You are way more gorgeous than the falsified appearance you try putting on when you become vain. If a friend of yours (or a boyfriend) can't see that without the beauty products, than they don't deserve you. 

       You need to walk straight, hold you head up, and put your shoulders back. You're a Child of the King of Kings. You are a daughter of God. 

        Romans 8 : 5 (NIV) reminds us:

      "Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." 

        Are you thinking about what the world desires in the word "beauty" or what the Lord desires in the word "beauty"? 

       Pray this prayer (or something similar as long as it's from your heart):

       Dear God,

       Please help me to see myself as you see me. Renew my mind so I see beauty as you do. Help me be satisfied with myself and how I look. Help me to enjoy clothes and other fun stuff without obsessing over my appearance. 

      In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Spend some time with God today. Take a few minutes and think about how much He loves you. Try to think of how He sees you compared to how you see yourself. Write down your thoughts to God and take time to listen to his response. He may use words or just a feeling of peace. Sometimes He seems distant, but He's not. Just pray. Grow close to the One Who Loves You.

     Talk later, girlfriends! 


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