Chapter 3

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“The date was so romantic and we went for a walk through the park. We laid down on the grass and looked at the stars. He called my name and looked at me right in the eyes…….Then he kisses me and it felt amaaaazing!” My friend shouts to me over the music.

Rolling my eyes discreetly, I listen as she says that guy number 7 of the month is the “one”. Glancing behind her I see my boyfriend and hope silently he is coming over to save me. It’s not that I’m not happy for my friend but after hearing about the 1st 6 guys I’m beginning to wonder If she knows what love is. Not really like I know what it is either or even if I believe in it at all. The whole concept of finding someone to love for the rest of your life is a bit ridiculous, don’t you think?

“I really think we are going to have something special. What do you think Naomi? Don’t you think we’d make a great couple?”

Nodding my head yes even though I’m clearly thinking no because let’s face it why start an argument over this? She’s going to believe whatever she wants. Plus I’ve learned from past experiences to never disagree on subjects like this. Girls don’t seem to have their basic intelligence once a guy comes into the picture. Their like horses at the race track they only see what they are “meant” to see.

As my friend opens her mouth to speak again my boyfriend finally arrives……

“Baby can I talk to you in private for a minute” Asked my boyfriend.

Smiling slightly in relief at being freed from the never ending talking of my friend. I try to look somewhat sad to leave so my friend doesn’t know I want to leave. Winking at my boyfriend he smiles back knowing he just saved me. I reply to his question.

“Sure babe” I say and look to my friend who nods letting me know I can finish talking to her later. Walking away me and Jason head to the back yard where it’s not as loud.

As we walk he takes my hand so were not separated by the large mass of teens squishes into the house. Looking at him weirdly because his hands are kind of sweaty and shaking. Brushing the thought off I chalk it up to him being over heated from drinking and running around with his friends all night. Walking towards the furthest end of the yard away from the house we stop.

Turning towards me he begins to speak…..

Catch Me If You Can {Vampire/lesbian} (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now