Girls Like Girls - Chapter 1

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My mom is going out of town on a business trip, so I'm staying with Sonya and Trenton for a while. Great. I'm riding my yellow bike over to their house, thinking about what we're going to do while I'm there. Thinking about how much more painful it's going to be to see them together.

After a while, I finally arrive at their luxurious one story house. It's big and beautiful and it has a pool in the backyard. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. I stare down at my feet while waiting for someone to answer. Sonya opens the door and I look up and smile, her mouth mirroring mine. She hugs me as I walk inside.

Trenton stands behind her, with a small smile on his face. My smile slips away as he wraps his arm around me and gives me a noogie as we walk farther into the house.

"I'll show you to your room." Sonya spoke up. We walk past the kitchen and go around the corner to find a simple little room. It has a tall mirror, a small dresser, a little closet, and a bed with simple peach colored sheets and a blanket. "I'll leave you to unpack. We'll be in the kitchen."

I don't have much to unpack, since I don't wear makeup or use many hair products. All I have is a few clothes to hang up in the closet, and the rest I can keep in my bag. After I "unpack," I head to the kitchen to find Sonya and Trenton. Sonya is sitting on the counter smoking with Trenton, who's standing up.

I don't know why, but Trenton puts out his cigarette and briskly leaves the room. I sit on the countertop next to Sonya and I smile at her. She blows the smoke she had in her mouth in my face and I flinch, though I'm used to her smoking around me, and we smile. She lifts it up to my mouth, and I take a puff of her cigarette. I let the smoke float up above my eyes and I hear a noise behind me. I look to see Trenton drinking a beer. I hate him, but I have to deal with him being with her. Romantic gestures come naturally with Sonya, but I don't think she realizes that I like her and that she's leading me on.

She hands me a cig and I light it, soaking in my scornful thoughts. My hate filled expression probably shows, but Sonya doesn't notice. She never notices anything. Trenton acts playful, but it's dangerous to tick him off. I've seen her bruises in the locker room at school. She's fallen in love with a psychopath. I hate standing back and watching it happen, but there's really nothing I can say.

Trenton spoke up, the smell of alcohol on his lips drifting to my nose, "So Coley, what do you want for dinner?"

To see you burn in hell would satisfy my hunger well enough.

"It doesn't really matter to me. What did you have in mind?" I ask. He shrugs.

"That's why I asked you." there is a little bit of a tone in his voice and it sets off alarms in my head. Anger issues much? Sonya walks over to him and takes his beer from his hand, only to place it on the counter.

"What about pizza?" she asks nonchalantly. It's a facade. She can sense the tension that has built between him and I. I don't see what he has against me, besides the fact that I love his girlfriend, but they don't know that. But I know what I have against him, and one day I will make him pay for whatever harm he's done to her. He nods at Sonya's suggestion and leaves to call for one. She sits back on the counter next to me, and I lay my head on her shoulder. Like I said, it comes natural.


To describe the situation as awkward would be one hell of an understatement. We're all sitting at the dinner table eating pizza, and it's completely silent. I stare at Sonya when she's not looking, and I can feel Trenton staring at me, but when I look at him he looks away. Sonya just stares at her plate, not bothering to look at either of us. Finally, she looks up and opens her mouth to speak.

"So what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" she says.

"I was thinking that maybe we could go out to that empty field near that rusted fence down the road. I could use my lucky bat and hit some baseballs, I bet I could hit a few over the mountain." Trenton says.

She chuckles and responds with, "I'd like to see you try."

"Aw, are you doubting me babe?" He replies. My head's hung low, staring at my plate as their conversation goes on.

"Not doubting, just stating the fact that you can't do it."

"That's practically the same thing."

"Hey guys, I'm full so I'm just gonna go to bed." I speak.

"I'll help you get ready." Sonya offers and I just nod. I can feel Trenton's eyes burning into my back as we walk away. Obviously it doesn't take much to piss him off.

Whiny little bitch. Doesn't even know how lucky he is.

"Since Mr. Baseball over there is gonna be completely focused on his batting tomorrow, why don't I show you those dance moves I've been telling you about? They're pretty awesome." Sonya singsonged.

"Sure. Why not?" I agreed, to which she smiled her breathtaking smile at me, her perfectly white teeth glistening, hidden behind her full lips and -

Stop. Look at her eyes instead.

That only made it worse. Her smile turned into a smirk as she noticed my longing stare. I'm doomed.

"Earth to Coley? Coles, yeah, you seem a little distracted." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Whatever. What did you want to help me with? I've spent the night before... I'm pretty sure I know how to put on night clothes and go to sleep. I've been doing it since I was born."

"Wow, didn't know you had the intelligence to put on clothes as a newborn." she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, well I was a pretty cool baby." I wink at her and she laughs.

"You're so weird. Anyways I wanted to make sure you took off your makeup before going to sleep. We just got new pillowcases."

I raised my eyebrows at her excuse. "Sonny, we've been friends for how long?"

"Since 3rd grade."

"Then you should know that I don't wear makeup. You know I breakout really badly when I do." her cheeks flushed the slightest tint of pink and now I'm really confused.

"Right. A friend just can't say goodnight before her first nights sleep here in a long time?"

"I came over two weeks ago."

"Yeah, but... you're gonna be living here for a while. You've never done that before."

"You're acting really weird."

"Oh, so now I'm the weird one."

"Yep, I'm pretty sure that's what I just said."

"Alright, well goodnight Ms. Sassypants. And don't call me Sonny."

"Goodnight Sonya." I say reluctantly before she leaves me by myself. I wish that she stayed and slept in here with me, instead of with Trenton, the ultimate dick.

Despite the way I act, I'm usually not the jealous type. He just gets on every single one of my nerves, drives me to the point of insanity, with just one wrong look. He's so moody and he makes it extremely obvious that he doesn't treat her right. I'm not saying I'm amazing, but if she would just love me the way I love her, I could show her that she is missing out on something I believe would be amazing.

It's frustrating, getting that funny feeling in my stomach when I see her. It's infuriating when my heart swoons, when hearing her voice, my eyes blank as I'm hanging off her every word. It's terrifying when she catches me staring at her perfect body, seeing her smirk or her eyes that just scream, "What are you doing?" It's nerve wracking the way my jaw goes slack and my knees become weak when she touches me. But I can't help that girls like girls like boys do.

I just wish she knew.

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