Chapter 1:

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"Ugh, wake me up when it's lunchtime then make me a BLT" I shouted at my obnoxious, but lovable roommate, Stella. "No, and get up sleepyhead unless you want to be late to your first day of your new job. Which just so happens to be at the Central City Police Station. Ooh do you think that you could set me up with a really cute cop?"
"No," I said.
"Awww please it would mean the world to me and I'll let you be my maid of honor at our wedding," Stells exclaimed.
"No and that's final. I'm not going to be spending my first day there scouting out for you a future husband."
"Please, please, pretty, please!!! And who said that you had to get it done today, I was implying that you do this over the course of the next few months, duh."
"Whatever," I sighed.
" K, so are we still on for lunch?"
"Um yeah I'll try to get all of my work done before my break and also where are we going to eat?"
"Uh how about CCJitters? I have been craving one of their carmel and mocha latté thingys."
" too. So Jitters it is. Now go before you really are late for your new job. And don't forget to find me a future husband!"
"NO! But anyway love you, see you for lunch today."
I was right outside of the precinct when I checked my watch and saw that it was 8:57, so I made a run for the entrance when all of a sudden I was bumped to the ground by another person I'm guessing who was also about to be late.
"Oh my god Miss. I'm sooo sorry, I-I...I didn't see you there. My apologies," this, now that I see him I can't talk amazingly super cute, stranger apologized.
"Oh it's fine I'm normally being run into by cute- I mean um guys and people I mean like all the time," I quickly covered up(so played that cool).
"Heh heh heh, your funny and again sorry for running into you. Oh where are my manners? Hi, I'm Allen- Barry Allen."
"Oh I'm going to guess and say that you are a fan of James Bond, because if so I'm one too, but if not I still am one. Oh and I'm Ember- Alli Ember."
"Well I'm guessing that you are here for your first day and so am I. Want to walk into together?"
"Sure. And I really think that we are like super late, so yeah let's go."
"Nah we'll be fine because one of the cops who works here happens to be my legal guardian, so basically he's like my dad, so we should be good if I just say that you're with me." And that right there had me blushing so hard and I don't even know why I mean its not like he was like 'u wanna make out?' or 'your going to be with me until the end of time' but whatever. He just stared at me while I was in my la la land and when he noticed that I came down to Earth, he said "Shall we?" with his arm extended to me. so I quickly said yes and hooked my arm onto his and we walked into the building together.
"Good morning new comers to our wonderful establishment I am Captain- um I see that we have some late comers here. So I ask them to please come up and introduce themselves to everyone."
Barry and I had no other choice than to walk up the stage to the podium and introduce ourselves because not only did everyone look back at us they also starting making a clearing for us to walk up. We walked up to the stage and I may or may not have tripped a little and would have fallen flat on my face if 1. Barry wasn't holding onto me with an arm now around my waist and 2. If I wasn't holding onto him. When we made it onto the stage I was standing frozen because I have stage-o-phobia. I was standing there probably looking like a complete and total idiot when all of a sudden I hear Barry introduce himself and then I feel a poking in my side. I turn and see Barry looking somewhat hopeful and scared at me. I realized where I was and that I was up on the stage to introduce myself, so I quickly mumbled my name and I got a lot of confused looks from the audience and even from the captain. Thank God Barry obviously saw or figured out that I have stage fright and said to everyone,"And this is Alli Ember, pardon her, but it seems as though she has a bad case of stage fright". With that everyone then gave a slow clap as well as some snickers from the audience. I literally sprinted from the auditorium. When I was a safe distance away from the auditorium I collapsed down on the ground humiliated with myself because I can't get over some stupid fear of stage fright. I hear my name being called and look up to see Barry coming towards me with a 'what happened' look plastered onto his face. I just looked up at him apologetically and said,"Could we maybe talk about this later because right now I honestly don't feel all to good and I really don't want to talk about it."
"Okay we will," he said without a moments hesitation.
"Would it be okay if I put my arm around you because it looks like you might need it. Your shaking. I mean I know that we just met and all, but you don't seem like a psycho...yet and even if you were I don't think that they would let you get a job here because they run background checks for everyone. "
"Um...sure, and maybe I'm really good at manipulating people into to doing what I want, so that's how I got a job here. No I'm kidding I'm normal. So you may proceed," I said. And with that he put his arm around me and I leaned into him.

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