Jarvit Ch9 p4

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‘Stew!’ The shout made all three stop in their tracks, Jarvit felt his spirits soar when he saw Stretcher striding across the street to him with Slats puffing along behind. ‘How are you lad? Who are your friends?’

         ‘Tell them who we are slug,’ said Quilp with a smile that oozed oil at the bodger.

         ‘Er this is Quilp Spellbinder, he’s a warlock and Edwerd who’s the servant of-’

         ‘Never mind that,’ interrupted Edwerd. ‘We’ve no time for pleasantries.’

         ‘Where’re you off to then Stew?’ said Stretcher with concern in his voice as he studied Jarvit’s companions. ‘Want to go with these two do you?’

         ‘Tell them boy,’ smirked Quilp. Jarvit wanted to shout ‘help me, they’re taking me to D’Braggatio,’ but what came out of his mouth was-

         ‘These are my friends, why you would ever imagine I would want to stay in a dump like this with idiots like you I can’t think,’ he could hear the haughty tone in his own voice and registered the shock on both Stretcher and Slats faces. Quilp laughed.

         ‘Are you alright lad?’ asked Stretcher.

         ‘I am now that I am with my friends and not stuck with a bunch of stupid chair makers.’ Jarvit tried to make his eyes say what his voice would not. But Stretcher looked hurt and did not see the pleading look.

         ‘Well, sorry to have stopped you. Um, we’ll be off then. Come along Slats,’ Stretcher turned away. Slats looked at Jarvit for a moment before speaking.

         ‘You’ll not be needing no help from the likes of us then?’

         ‘No,’ Jarvit snapped out and closed his mouth so that no other words would escape.

         ‘Thought not, guess you’ll be off to stay in posh places like the inn and such now you’re with these fine gents,’ Slats said.

         ‘Yes,’ replied Jarvit, wondering how anyone could call Quilp a fine gent.

         ‘Ah, hum, just don’t go back to laneway robbery that’s all.’

         ‘Come away Slats, he’s not worth it, never was a true bodger,’ Stretcher called and Slats turned away.

         ‘So long Stew,’ he called back over his shoulder and the two men walked away. Jarvit’s heart sank.

         ‘Let’s get on,’ said Edwerd and he pushed Jarvit forward.

         ‘Good friends were they? Heh, heh heh,’ Quilp laughed and continued to chuckle to himself all the way to the inn.

         Be ready at the lake.

         Jarvit sighed; he thought he had enough problems without the Worthy turning up for a conversation. It started to rain as they waited in front of the inn while Edwerd bustled about getting the carriage ready. Quilp stood under the low eaves of the thatched roof with Jarvit beside him. Water dripped from the reed ends onto Jarvit’s neck. He hunched his shoulders as he grew wetter and realised from the ostler’s grumbles that Quilp and Edwerd had only arrived on the previous evening. There seemed to be problems harnessing the horses and Edwerd berated the ostler for his sloth and clumsiness. His haste to depart was evident as Edwerd rushed into the inn himself to search for the coachman. Jarvit allowed himself a small smile as he thought that this was due to D’Braggatio’s reaction on hearing the news that Quilp had allowed him to escape. His smile faded though as Edwerd emerged pulling a very dejected looking Sprightly after him. The Sprightly gave Jarvit a weak grin as he was pushed up onto the carriage by Edwerd.

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