8,000 miles away

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"Ghee, I love you." He chatted. We have been going this way for quite a long time now, I never got tired of it and I bet I never will .. "I love you too, Leon." I chatted back. Leon is my boyfriend for quite some time now. Just like a typical relationship: We meet, get to know each other, fall inlove, begin dating, fall deeper inlove.

But the unique thing about it? We are madly inlove with each other, even if we never met face to face. I found Leon's profile in a certain dating site, then the first time my eyes laid on his photo suddenly kindled my interest; and yeah, that's just how I knew him: via internet.

You can say that its just a waste of time and emotions to be falling for someone you don't even know, because as we are all aware of, people only sign up to dating sites for non-serious purposes most of the time,

But Leon was different ..

Call me nuts, but i'm proud to say I am so damn lucky to have been found and loved by the person who is the most sincere and willing-for-something-serious person signed in that dating site! How do I know he is? Well I check my email everytime I can, almost daily. And from the day we began dating online, there was never a day that he never sent me cute photos, Ecards, sweet messages and a lot more things that touches my heart through my Email.

He seemed so perfect, he was very transparent and truthful whenever I ask him stuff about his life, and well its crazy but, his emails had been like a drug to me: I can barely make it through the day without a dose of it <3


"Hey Ghee, do you really think that's gonna work?" Asked my friend, Yanna. She has been by highschool buddy since the freshman year, and she is the person closest to me. So until now that were already in college, I still tell her everything, literally everything. Just like a diary.

I gave her a sharp look the moment she asked me that. "Yanna, I told you, 'there is always a way to make something work if you're willing to make it work' " I said firmly. She was giving me a dull look, as if she was deeply trying to figure out what to say. "But Ghee! Its like the most impossible-to-survive relationship! Look, you're asian and he's white. You're eastern, he's western. You both grew up in a way too different environment and not to mention, 8,000 miles apart! That's like on the opposite sides of the world Ghee!"

I gave her an even sharper look. "Yanna, you're my bestfriend. I have listened to all your advices ever since. But please, just this once. Let me disobey you." I pleaded.

Yanna responded to me with a rather pitiful look, and said "Okay Ghee. Sorry i'm just afraid you might end up bring hurt again. You seem to be recklessly inlove with this Leon guy whom you never even met."

After the lunchbreak, Yanna went off for her next class along with our other gal pal, Kimberly. As I lost sight of them, I went to the library to read some random books as a way to kill time during my vacant class period. As I found an empty seat, I took a biology book from the shelf next to it and slouched myself on the seat. Before I was even able to open my book, I glanced at two girls seated next to me. They seemed to be bestfriends too. Who were arguing about something, too.

And well well, i'm not really a person who likes to butt into other people's lives, but I overheard the girls' conversation. It seems like the upset looking girl is totally disagreeing with the rather quirky girl's new boyfriend they were talking about.

Boy am I glad Yanna never talks to me like that. Inserting foul words between every phrase.

Yanna is two years older than me. I'm 17 and she's 19. We're both in college. Which is why I treat her like a big sis, and listen to her most of the time. But right now, I just wanna listen to my heart. I love my 21-year-old, Canadian lover, Leon; and i'm sure about that.


The next morning I woke up, it was national heroes day. We didn't have classes so I woke up at 10am. Groggy and pale, I plopped on to the sofa bed along with my laptop; turned it on and connect it to the internet (as usual). By the time I checked my emails, there weren't any from Leon. It made me worry a bit, I usually receive tons of emails from him as early as this time of the day. But I hoped everything is okay.

"Hey sis, you okay?" Said my younger brother as I left my room on the way to the kitchen to prepare my brunch. "You look kinda worried about something." He added.

"sigh, I don't have emails yet." I replied. "Aw, don't take it too hardly sis, i'm sure its nothing bad." He said as he pats my back. "sigh, I really hope so. You know how much of a worrywart I am." I told my brother as I picked a couple of bread loaves from our toaster; filling it with cream cheese spread.

I sat in front of the dining table with my sandwich on a plate, I took my first bite, but then after that I suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore. I irritatedly dropped the sandwich back to the plate and I noticed my brother staring at me with a heavy look.

My brother, Greg, who usually hates being disturbed in his video game time; miraculously paused his XboX game and approached me as I pushed my plate away.

"Sis, snap out if it." "Its none of your business Greg, you're not the one suffering from these worries anyway." I said, trying to keep him off my nerves.

Greg sat beside me, pulling my sandwich plate closer to my hand. "I'm still not gonna eat that. I'm stuffed." I said. "Stuffed?! One bite?! Sigh!" He said, pissed off.

But my brother never leaves me alone in times when i'm sad; even when I really wanna be alone, He does his best to cheer me up. So he stood back up, went to the kitchen and prepared me a nice hot cup of vanilla milk tea. Then he placed it on the table and sat beside me again.

"There, I know you like that Ghee. Now eat up will ya?" He said, handing over the stirring spoon to me. I smiled and said my thanks. My brother really knows what I like. Gotta say, Greg acts like a mature kid sometimes. Even if he's just 14.

I drank my tea and ate my bread. Greg smiled. But as I got out of my seat in the intention to plop my head back in my sofa, he stopped me by asking me something in a very braved manner. As if he kept it inside him for so long, and waited for the right time to ask me.

"Sis ..... Don't you think that its hopeless?" I startled. My knees froze upon my first step. My brother barely asks and says thinks like that. Even if he made his question unclear, I totally got what he meant. He was obviously talking about Leon.

I wanted him to see that I was offended by his question, but I tried to hold back my vein a little. I just look at him in the eye; in the sharpest way I can, and said: "don't start it Greg. I know what i'm doing!" I said. Knowing Greg, I know just a sentence like that would shut him up.

"No you don't! You don't even know where its going!" He yelled back, standing firmly as I was about to open the door to my room.

I was very surprised. Greg never yells. Not at me! This must be something serious.


... Now there's the tension, a sibling fight :P .. I gotta cut from here, I need to prepare snacks now cause i'm dead hungry! Be right back! :))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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