Chasing Jamie Williams - Chapter 3

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I may use some slang whist people are talking, eg. Fam, gonna, wanna, etc. it is only to portray how different people speak. Thanks!
After the treacherous bus ride home, filled with sweaty teenagers and overexcited "twelvies" running around the cramped bus, and the excruciatingly long walk home, involving walking two steep, downhill streets, and sliding down my very steep driveway, I let myself into my large, two story house and hunt for the closest room occupying a television. I absent-mindedly tossed my bag into a dusty corner of the room, and flopped down on the old couch. It was dusty and torn in places, and had sunk quite a bit from the years of my family jumping on it when my parents weren't around, which was often. Being the youngest of four, I had learned from my siblings that to jump meant fun, and to get caught was even better. So we jumped, and we got caught. They had all moved out a few long years ago, leaving me the last one to continue squashing the beaten couch to a pile of ragged cloth and timber on the red-stained carpet. The carpet used to be a creamy, white colour, but my parents had been drunkards and loved their red wine, often flinging glasses across the room when they got into their drunken, abusive fights.

I reached out to the small, pine coffee table where the television remote was situated, and flicked through the stations, failing to find anything decent being broadcasted,settling for some random afternoon cooking show.

I shot into the air as the sound of my phone going berserk and vibrating off the table and falling to the floor.

"My baby!" I shouted at the silver iPhone 6 laying face down on the carpet. "Are you okay? Are you cracked?" I asked, slowly turning over the phone, for some reason expecting a response. Maybe Siri would answer me. Then I remembered what my phone was doing in the fluffy mess I called my floor, and panicked, trying to answer the call before it ended.

"Hello?" I said into the microphone, stroking the back of the phone possessively while holding it to my ear.

"Emmy! Hi!" A chirpy voice replied. "It's Lura! Your sister! Remember me?" Lura was my oldest sister. She was 26, and intended on dragging the rest of our family to our home for my birthday next week.

"Hi," I grumbled. "You know I don't like it when you call me Emmy."

"Yeah! That's why I say it!" A string of giggles floated through the receiver. "Anyways back on point, I called to tell you I'll be collecting the fam this week, and heading down next week."

"Great, um, I gotta go do homework bye!" I said, hanging up straight away, hoping Lura didn't understand and realise I was trying to get out of talking to her. After all, it was Lura who got me into not doing my homework until I absolutely had to.

I set down the remote only to find the cooking show and finished, and a badly animated children's cartoon was playing. I groaned and switched the television off, and ran upstairs to my second home - the kitchen. If rummaged through the fridge, cupboards, and my parents 'secret' hidden spots and grabbed a bunch of random items. There wasn't much to choose from, so I managed to loot a jar of Nutella, a bottle of milk, half of a metre long Toblerone, a biscuit covered in pink icing and rainbow sprinkles, a tin of milo, a few slices of banana bread and three-quarters of a red velvet cake.

I could make a very delicious meal time out of this. I grabbed a glass and threw milk and Nutella in it, then shoved it in the microwave, whilst heating up the red velvet cake. We had two microwaves for some reason, probably because my parents had all this money and didn't know what to spend it on. I munched on the rainbow biscuit as the microwave with the cake in it dinged. I got out a small plate and placed the half eaten biscuit and the warm cake on it, setting it down on the counter. 30 seconds later, the Nutella was ready. I slowly took all my ingredients over to the large dining table, where I would enjoy dinner by myself. I sprinkled half a ton of milo over everything, and plopped part of the Toblerone into the Nutella hot chocolate, or hot Nutella, to serve as a kind of melted mixing stick. I admired my handiwork, before sitting down and stuffing it in my face.


I was in the shower, when suddenly the hot water ran out. Darn it! I quickly jumped out with a scowl on my face and wrapped myself in the closest towel, and got dressed into my pajamas. I padded over to my room, chucking all the random items of clothing in my way into piles where I wouldn't be walking in the morning. I slipped into bed and pulled out my phone, preparing to text Jamie in a way that wouldn't make me look like a pedophile.

Stuff it. It's pedophile time.

Hey ;)

I waited a few minutes, blankly staring at the screen in front of me, playing with the fingerprint password thing.

Hello ;)

Well that was unexpected. She must have been playing along.

Are we still on for tomorrow? :)

She replied almost instantly this time.


Yup ;) it's me sweetheart <3

Yes, we're still doing it tomorrow.

Seconds later I received another text.

Ahh! Bad choice of words! We are still doing the ASSIGNMENT tomorrow!!!!

XD if you say so ;) So where exactly is your house?

It's the big white one on the corner of the street with the bakery on it. Also, how did you get my number?

A cheeky grin crept onto my face, and I smiled. Now I was super excited for tomorrow. The Big White House On The Corner was huge, and I was finally going to see inside it!

Wow really?? That's heaps cool! I have my ways.... ;)

Yes really. That's not creepy at all.... Anyways I'm tired and I'm going to sleep. Please don't murder me, I'd like to keep living.

Do you have to go? :(

Of course, I couldn't really care less if she stayed or left, but I was bored and really had nothing better to do.

Yes. Look at the time doofus.

I strained my neck and peered at the radio-clock on the floor. I don't exactly know how it got on the floor, but I could still see what it said. 01:57 it read. Geez, I thought. What time did I start texting?

Yeah okay I see your point bye

Bye. Also, learn to write properly, even in texts.

Y U so salty?

I laughed, not expecting her to know what the heck salty meant.

Fine. *puts on overly large genuine smile* (emphasis on genuine) Also, if you could learn how to write properly, even in text messages, that would be great :). Now bye bye.

Bye. (Emphasis on full stop)

I plugged my phone into the dirty charger cable, and rolled over, closing my eyes in an attempt to sleep. Suddenly, I remembered what I should have been doing, my eyes widened and I bolted upright.

"Crap! Carter!" I yelled. This would make for good conversation tomorrow.


This is a longer chapter so I hope you enjoyed it :).

Thank you to those who read this far! So Chasing Jamie Williams (CJW as I will refer to it in future Author's Notes) has received a lot of views and votes and stuff, and I just want to thank you all for that! I know it's only like, 60 reads, but for me that's heaps!

Thanks guys! :) xx

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