Chapter 1

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I got to school,nervous as hell,and went to my locker. I was wearing Below-the-knee-length-leggings,short shorts,and a black shirt with a skull on it. Its not just a plain shirt though. Its a tight,black,short sleeved,shirt that hugs my curves more than any of the other shirts I have.(Well I haven't actually looked through the pile of clothes I just got but,I like this shirt) It has smoke rolling off of the skull and the sleeves fall off of my shoulders while there's what appears to be an under shirt underneath it. It is also the most Gothic shirt I own. Especially because I'm a nerdy girl. I'm really smart when it comes to math and I'm really good at athletics too. As I open my locker this huge,unattractive guy comes over to me and slams it shut. I quickly look at him with frustration,confusion,then fear.Hey,what are you doing with my locker little girl,he pushes me up against the locker as this smaller guy pushes him off."Hey,hey,hey! Haven't you heard the phrase "Ladies first"?" I look at him with a smile. "That means,give the pretty girl the locker and find your own damn locker!" The tall guy runs away faster than you'd think he would,and me and the little guy laugh. "I'm Jerry Wood." He says as he opens my locker for me. "Ziàra McDaniel,I say with a face like " Has all of this crisis happen in only the first 4 minutes of my first day of eighth grade? " As I put my things in my locker. "Omg that is the most beautiful name ever" Jerry says while brushing my hair behind my ear. "Thanks" I say as we walk off to our first period. We walk into the room and this girl looks at Jerry,screams,and tackles him.
"Omg how have you been?" "Good,I want to introduce you to Ziàra McDaniel" "Hi,I'm Jeanette Stone,and thats a pretty name by the way." "Thank you." Why are people telling me that so much today? "And here," Jeanette says while spreading her arms out. "You will learn math,the most suckiest subject in history" I laugh cuz in my opinion,thats the very opposite of what I think. "You will be our best friend forever" Jeanette said."Okay" I said as I smiled.

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