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I've always wondered about Katara's reaction to Aang's death, wether she would try to heal him or cry over his dying body until there is nothing left. Characters may be OOC, but I'll try to not let that happen. I also explored how the Avatar spirit is passed on, so expect some baby Korra!
Enjoy and comment any feedback!
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the last Airbender or The Legend of Korra. I also do not own the song See You Again by Wiz Khalifa.
~ Madi
"You can't just leave Aang!" Katara sobbed over her late husbands body, somewhat rationalising that he would come back if she wanted it hard enough; and boy she did. Her cries echoed throughout their small igloo, seeping through the small spaces between the snow. She never imagined that this day would come so soon; granted she never wanted to imagine this day at all.
She peeled herself away from him, wiping away the tears that came down like a waterfall of emotions. She stroked his chin, brushing past his beard with a sad smile.
She will never forget his last words.

It's been a long day with out you my friend,

"Katara," he gasped through the pain, "Katara I can't hold on any longer." Aang gritted his teeth and tried to forget the waves agony that swept his body, but trying to forget about the pain only increased it's intensity. He wouldn't let himself cry out or let a tear escape from his eye. No, he had to be strong for Katara, he could see this hurt her more than it hurt him; even though he was in physical pain, she was in emotional pain.
"No," Katara whispered, "there has to be something I can do. I can heal you!" She was becoming desperate, she couldn't loose anyone else. When Sokka died, she was devestated. The only person that helped her through it was Aang and now Aang, who helped her to get over her brother's death, was on his deathbed. Aang managed a small smile and cupped his lovely wife's cheek, enjoying her beauty while he still had the chance. "It's a little too late for that my dear," he chuckled which turned into a throat-burning cough. Katara frowned. "My time is up this world, but I will see you again." His grip loosened a fragment, but it was enough for her to notice. She latched onto him, sobbing into his chest whispering over and over again; 'Please, don't go.'
"I love you Katara and I always will," she smiled as her tears came down faster and faster, flooding their tiny bed with her tears of pain and sorrow. His face became even paler than it was before, smiling he let his eyes clamp shut. Sealing away all the light from the outside world, preparing himself for his journey into the spirit realms. Before he let himself slip away, he uttered one last sentiment to his almost-widowed wife, "I will see you again, I promise." His breathing became less ragged and become more evened out, breathing out for the last time. A golden flow of spiritual energy spilled out of his mouth and into the cold night sky, representing his spirit leaving the physical world and into that of the spirits.
Katara controlled her sobs and allowed herself a single glance before leaving their once shared room. A small smiled played on her lips when she saw his serene features; if you didn't know that he had just died, you would think that he was in a deep, peaceful slumber. Except Aang usually snored while he was asleep.
Planting a kiss on her late husband's forehead, she walked out of their small room in their isolated igloo, on the eastern corner of the southern water tribe. Just as she reached their, now her, living room, she received a call through the telephone. Instantly masking her grieving face to that of a professional healer, which she has been renowned for all over the world, she answered. Listening intently to the caller, she recognized it to be Tonraq, a close friend of Aang.
"I hope that I'm not disturbing you at such a late hour," his deep voice flew out of the receiver.
"Of course not Tonraq," came her smooth reply, "what can I help you with?"
He sighed, not too loud, but loud enough for her to hear. "Senna has gone into labour and we both would appreciate if you came to help her," Katara nodded, she talked to Senna earlier in the week and told her that her baby would be born any time soon. She just wished it wasn't so soon, but when duty calls; you have to answer.
"I'll be right over Tonraq, keep Senna calm and relaxed until I arrive," he expressed his thanks and she hung up the phone. Grabbing her winter coat she trudged out of her small water tribe igloo and into the harsh winter elements, Tonraq and Senna's hut wasn't too far from where she lived, so she could reach it by foot.
The further she trudged through the knee deep snow, the less visible her surroundings became. Katara knew that Tonraq and Senna's Igloo wasn't very far, but the newly formed blizzard did not help her. Finally, she saw the familiar silhouette of Tonraq bathed in the light of a lantern in the distance, and she was immediately reminded of Aang and all the times he would wait for her when she worked late. Tears formed in her eyes and threatening to fall...
'Pull yourself together Katara,' she chided. 'You have a baby to deliver.' She shook away the tears and refocused herself at the task at hand, Senna will be waiting for her and there is not time to loose.
Katara quickened her pace and made her way towards Tonraq, when she neared him she saw his panicked features; he was biting his lip and his were wide and vigilant. She quietly chuckled to herself, the former heir to the northern watertribe was just like all of the other nervous husbands she has seen in her time. "Katara!" Tonraq sighed with relief, "I'm glad to see you came." Katara gave a small smile, "Of course, it's no problem at all." Tonraq returned the smile wearily, "Come in, come in she's inside." Katara followed Tonraq into the small igloo towards a seperate room towards the right and inside was Senna, obviously in pain and looking already exhausted.
"Hello Senna," she greeted with a relaxed smile. "H-hi Katara-a," she gritted out, "thanks for c-coming." Katara grabbed a damp cloth from the bedside table and dabbed it gently across Senna's sweaty skin, "It is no problem at all Senna, I am more than happy to help deliver your child," she put the cloth back down, "Tonraq could you go get me some towels and some water please?"
Tonraq nodded and briskly walked out of the room, Katara took a deep breath this would be a long night.
3 hours later, a baby's cry could be heard from the young couple's igloo. Katara had a wide smile on her face as she wrapped up the new edition to this family in a soft, pink blanket. "Congratulations!" She handed the newborn to Senna, "It's a girl." Senna smile brightly and eagerly took the newborn girl and peeled back the pastel pink blanket to see a gorgeous girl with lovely tanned skin and brilliant blue eyes that she has never seen before staring right back at her. Tonraq stood next to her, fondly smiling at his two girls. "What will you name her?" Tonraq inquired. Senna looked back at him and then back at their baby, "Korra," she replied.
Tonraq smiled, "Sounds perfect."
Katara left new family's home quickly, wanting more than anything to go him to the comfort of Aang and her's igloo, though Aang was no longer alive she reminded herself, it would always be their igloo. After waving goodbye to the family, she started her journey back to the igloo, an odd feeling washed over her and she felt like she had been hit with nostalgia. She gave into the temptation to look behind her and what she saw instantly made her cover her mouth in shock.
Aang was standing right in front of her, though he was glowing faintly, he looked exactly like how she left him. Tears freely travelled down her cheeks, "Aang," she spluttered. Aang smiled at his wife and pulled her into a hug, "I will see you again," he whispered and disappeared into an overwhelmingly bright light. Katara's eyes followed the direction on where her late husband's spirit was going and she understood.

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
That ending felt a bit rushed, but ah well!
Hello there, and thank you for reading this one-shot, please leave me some feedback I would SO appreciate it!
Allow me to introduce myself: Hi! My name is Madi, I'm a teenage girl and I am from Australia. I enjoy writing especially in the fanfiction department, this may be my first fanfic but it will by no means be the last.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, thank youuuu!!!

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