iBreakout Weekly Writing Competition

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Hello everyone and welcome to the iBreakout Weekly Writing Competition!

Now, I know that this sounds familiar (like we’re iCarly freaks), but the truth is while we (some of us) do enjoy the show, the only real fanatic is @CloudedHurt! :)

Anyway, our main purpose is to help you! We are a group of writers seeking to unlock and expose your true potential as writers. Not only will this competition help you to ‘breakout’ as a writer, but with every challenge, we endeavor to make you into a well- rounded author!

Our awesome team of judges are:

@CloudedHurt, @weloveZHY, @purplesniffles23and last but definitely not least, @SummerHayz!

We are here as guides and friends, intent of helping you improve! 

WARNING: Enter at own risk... We're not saying something bad will happen but this is to improve individuals as writers so expect some harsh criticism at times. Don't say we didn't warn you! :)

Now, here’s how this process will work:

Weekly, the judges will post a challenge in this book (these can be anything so be prepared). After you’ve submitted your entries you will be critiqued and graded by the judges, who will then award the top scorers!  You can also have your fans and other public readers to help popularize your entries. (This can help peak interest)

Note: There are no eliminations in this competition. Even if we have already started, you can still participate.


1. You must fan the competition account at Wattpad.com/iAreTeenWriters. This will make communications easier seeing that we can send alerts and message, also frequent reminders to submit your pieces on time.

2. Each participant must create a 'Contest Entry Book'. Not every challenge will require you to post in it, but most will. When creating the book, please put 'iBreakout Weekly' or something very similar in the title so that it can easily be identified. Also, in the description, please include a little introduction. For example:

"Hello! My name is xXx and I will be posting entries for iBreakout Weekly Writing Competition in this book. I hope you enjoy my entries."

View two of the judges (@weloveZHY or @SummerHayz) profiles for an examples.

3. You must have a current piece that you are working on. (You will see the relevance of this later)

4. With every entry you have, you will label the title of the chapter corresponding to the week number (because everyone might not participate every week) and also, to make things even easier, we would not mind you post the URL of your entry in the comments of the chapter which declares the topic of the week.

5. On the entry it would help if you can tag (ibreakoutcomp).

6. Please submit on time or else we will have to ignore your entry.

7. Remember this is a weekly competition so do not worry if you miss a week and no one gets 'eliminated'. Though, in the long run it pays to participate each week. Our goal is to help you.

8. Remember, this is a competition, so have fun and expect criticism. Do not bash the judges for their reviews because they are only trying to help you.

Thank you and may the odds be ever in your favor. (Hunger Games = WE <3)

 iAreTeenWriters out! =D

Summer =p 

Zhy ;)

Elle :3

Madz <3)

iBreakout Weekly Writing CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now