Edward's Wedding Day (one-shot)

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(Edwards p.o.v)

"Are you NERVOUS, bro?" Emmet asked, looking at me like I was crazy. "Of course not, since when do I get nervous?" I lied, and he could tell. Usually I was a good liar but I didn't bother to try today, because like Emmet said. I was nervous. Just then Rosalie flew down the stairs "Emmet, Edward get in your places! We're about to start!" She pushed us forwards and then took her place behind my piano. All of our guests were already seated when we stepped outside so I quickly- but not too quickly- slid down the isle where my beautiful Bella would walk down in a few minutes time. As I took my rightful place next to the minster the music started playing. And let me tell you, if I had a beating heart it would have already jumped out of my pale chest. I'm not really sure why I'm so nervous, I'm marrying my Bella, it's what I've always wanted.

That's when I saw her. There was no word or phrase that could even come close to describing how beautiful she was, standing there in her white gown, glowing. Saving her for last I looked at Charlie. He was about to cry. There was no doubt he loved Bella, his only daughter, and his thoughts were quit clear right now- he was wishing he could pull his stumbling daughter in the opposite direction, away from the wedding, the minister, the guests, and more importantly me. When his eyes met mine he gave me a stare that said "I know you'll love her, forever and always, and that's all I ever wanted for my daughter. Thank you"

Yes, I'm very good at reading faces. After sending Charlie an appreciative nod I finally looked at Isabella Marie Swan, my soon-to-be-wife. I didn't bother looking at her beautiful dress- because I knew it would be absolutely nothing compared to her. She was the blushing bride. Her cheeks were deliciously rosy-red and although I knew Alice covered her up with make-up, her entire face looked natural.

Our eyes finally met, brown meeting with gold, fire meeting with ice. Her liquid brown eyes were so deep with love and passion I thought I was going to explode. She was so pure and delicate walking wobbly- but gracefully down the isle. Even if I lived for all eternity, I would never-ever deserve her. After what seemed like hours, but was only seconds they made it down the isle.

"We shall now begin the ceremony" the minister announced. I grasped Bella's warm, fragile hand in mine. "We are all gathered here today to celebrate the love between Isabella Marie Swan and Edward Anthony-Masen Cullen........" The rest of his words slowly faded into the background as I looked down at my precious angel. There was nothing I could ever want more than Bella. She was the center of my world- the center of my life and by some miracle she felt the same way about me.

As the minister drifted towards the closing of the ceremony I had to pay attention for my cue. "And know the groom may speak his vow to the bride...." I took one big breath and faced my loving bride "Isabella Swan, since the first moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were different, but not in a bad way. Unlike many other 17 year olds you showed many signs of maturity, selflessness, and kindness, everything I would ever want in a person. Even if I lived for eternity I would never deserve your love, you ARE my world and I hope- I know that I will never let you down or hurt you. I am so glad that you are giving me the honor of your hand, and I will love and cherish you forever, through sickness and health, rich and poor, bad and good. There is not enough words in the English language to prove to you how much I love you. Thank you for being who you are today." As I finished my vow tears sprung to Bella's beautiful eyes, and if I could cry I know I would be crying right now. "And now the bride may speak her vow to the groom...." The minister continued. I smiled in encouragement at Bella's shy face "Edward Cullen, when I first began writing my vows for you I couldn't think of anything that describes how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You're special in a way that was completely new to me, until I met you. Since I've met you my life has changed drastically, in a good way. My view on life and people was completely altered. The affect you have on me is something I would never want to go away. Even if I lived forever I would never find a soul like yours, you are so selfless and kindhearted, and I am completely honored that you are- by some miracle- going to be mine in the next few minutes. I promise to love and cherish you forever, through sickness and health, rich and poor, bad and good. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you. Thank you for being who you are today." Her genuine smile lit up the whole wedding, I can't believe that this beautiful creature will be mine in less than 2 minutes. "Do you, Edward Anothony-Masen Cullen take Isabella Marie Swan as your beloved wife?" The minister asked. Without hesitation I said "I do." Now the minister turns to Bella "And do you, Isabella Marie Swan take Edward Anthony-Masen Cullen as your beloved husband?" He asked. She blushed the most beautiful red I had ever seen "I do." And finally the minister says the words I've been waiting to here since I met Bella "I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." If my heart was beating it would have totally stopped. Bella was mine. Bella was my wife. She would remain rightfully by my side for the rest of eternity. This glorious women was now mine forever. She looked so happy she could bursts into pieces, as she stood up on her little tippy-toes and leaned in. I cradled her soft face in my cold hands and brought my lips to hers, kissing her so sweetly and delicately- treating her lips as if her lips were the rose petals following down around us.

The guests burst into applause as I gazed down lovingly at my beautiful Bella. She was blushing like mad, her warm fingers intertwined with mine. The first guest to reach us was Reneé, tears streamed down her flushed cheeks "oh Bella, Edward, I'm so happy for you guys! Awww, my little girl is all grown up..." As Reneé continued to gush out her congratulations I looked over at Charlie, standing awkwardly against the back of one of the chairs, he looked like he was in pain. Just as Reneé leaned in to give us each a hug, my family- and now Bella's- swarmed in to give us their congratulations. "I'm so happy for you both" Esme gushed, also giving each of us a hug. "Congratulations, son" Carlisle patted my back and then looked over at Bella "you look beautiful Bella, welcome to the family." He smiled. "Well done Edward" Jasper congratulated me. "Congratz, bro!" Emmet cheered. "Eeeekk!" Alice squealed "I'm so happy, I get another sister!" She jumped up and down with joyful excitement. But the congratulation that surprised me the most was from Rosalie "you look beautiful Bella, congratulations to you both" and I could tell she really meant it. After we both mumbled our thank-you's the rest of the guests swarmed in. As Bella greeted and thanked them all cheerfully I watched her and realized- for the first time. I was the luckiest man in the world. And Bella was now mine forever.

(Thx for reading this everyone!!! Please comment, vote and tell me what u think!!! If I get enough votes and comments I may do a next chapter about the wedding reception!!! I've always wondered what Edward thought about during the wedding so I'm glad I finally was able to write this! Thx for your support!)



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