Chapter 11 The Special Visitor

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Chapter 11

The Special Visitor

(All rights reserved to the writers of the show 'The Vampire Diaries'! I don't own anything except Cassie, because she really is me and the new character(s)!)

Previously on "Falling In Love With A Vampire"

' I spin around to find Damon there. Concern fills his eyes and face when he see's tears on my eyes. "Who is it, and where do they live?" I chuckle slightly.

"It's Jeremy and you already know where he lives" I say. Damon's concern turns to confusion.

"What happened with Jeremy" he asks, pulling me into a hug. I can't help but cling to him, not wanting him to ever let me go.

"He kissed me..."I say quietly. I can feel and hear the growl that is building in his chest. If he didn't like that, he really wasn't going to like what I had to say next. The tears spill over my cheek, staining his black shirt. "And I kissed him back!" When I say back, a sob rips through my chest.

Damon doesn't let go of me like I thought he would though. In fact, he pulls me closer to him, if that's possible. He tilts my head up, wipes away the tears and kisses my lips. I automatically kiss him back. But this kiss is different than the one I just shared with Jeremy. The kiss with Jeremy had turned into a heated one where this one just stayed soft and sweet, which surprised me considering this was Damon. And after a moment, I stopped worrying and just focused on kissing him back. '

Cassie's POV

A Few Hours Later

I am asleep on my bed when I hear a knock at my door. Damon's arms are around me and I carefully pull out of them, slipping on a purple tank top and a pair of jeans. I then slip on my boots and walk downstairs and up to my door. When I open the door, I freeze. A man with blazing blue eyes, disheveled sandy blonde hair and very handsome features stands before me.

"Hello. My name is Niklaus Mikaelson. But please, call me Klaus" says the man in an English accent. I bite my lip.

"Um...hello Klaus...may I help you?" I ask hesitantly. I wanna run, but I seem to be frozen in place by his eyes. The man smiles nicely, but something about his eyes gives me the feeling he's not here to be nice.

"Yes you can Cassie. Do you remember me?" he asks, his smile turning into a smirk. I contemplate pretending I don't, but I know Klaus would know I was lying.

"Yes I do remember you. Get off my porch Klaus...and burn in hell" I say and go to slam the door in his face, but he reaches his hand out to stop me. I curse under my breath as he pushes the door open and walks in.

"Now is that anyway to talk to the person who made you what you are?" Klaus asks.

"Yes it is. You made me a monster Klaus" I say, glaring at him. Klaus smirks again.

"If I remember correctly, you were a monster when I found you Cassie...No humanity is a very fun thing...but it can be a problem when your in New York and trying to drain the town with no cares about who finds the bodies. I didn't make you into a monster...Unfortunately, I made you turn your humanity back on" Klaus says, smirking at me. He steps closer to me until he's right in front of me. He leans in and whispers in my ear "And I still remember what you taste like" I jerk away from him.

"Get out of my house Nik. Now. I don't want anything to do with you anymore...I hate you" I say, seething with anger. Slight anger flashes in his eyes then he smirks again.

"Fine. I'll go. But there is someone I want you to see" Just then, a girl with red hair, blue/green eyes, a floral lavender shirt and blue skinny jeans appears beside Klaus. I gasp when I realize who she is.

"Cara?!" I gasp. She smiles at me.

"Hello sis" Cara says.

I stare blankly at the girl I lost ten years ago, the girl who had disappeared from her bed in the middle of the night.

Ten years ago, when I was seven and she was ten Cara was taken.

*Break In Time*


I was lying in my bed, trying to go to sleep. Cara lay beside me asleep in her own bed. During the middle of the night, I heard a noise at the French Windows. When I looked, I saw a shadow open them and walk into the room. It was the shadow of a man, but he was obviously no ordinary man. He seemed more like a creature of some kind, with the way he walked. So quiet. He started towards me.

But then my sister, Cara, turned over in her sleep. He hissed slightly then calmed. He looked over at her and I saw enough of his face in the light to see a cruel smile spread across his face as he whispered "She will do" He then advanced on my sleeping sibling. He picked her up and she awoke. She was about to scream when he placed a hand over her mouth, muffling the scream she did let out. He headed for the French Windows, my sister squirming in his arms. I sat up.

"Cara!" I called and knew I had made a mistake. The creature spun around, my sister limp in his arms because she fainted. He carefully set her down and started towards me again. I whimpered in my bed and cowered in fear. He got so close that I saw his eyes...a blazing blue and I saw that under those eyes were veins and in his mouth there were fangs. He looked directly into my eyes and whispered so low, I barely heard him.

"You will not speak a word of this. If someone ever asks you what had been asleep. Do you understand me?" I nodded.

"I understand" I said. He nodded.

"Good" he said. Then he walked back over to my sister, picked her up and walked to the French Windows. However, right before he went out them he turned around and looked at me.

"We will see each other again...I promise" he said, then he jumped out the windows.

*End Of Flashback*

*Break In Time*

But now, my sister smirks at me as veins show under her eyes and fangs sprout in her mouth. I gasp and fling myself backwards and away from her.

"Awww. What's wrong sis? Didn't you miss me?" Cara says, tauntingly. The way she says 'sis' makes me shudder. I whisper something.

"What's that?" Klaus says, smirking. He's enjoying this.

"Get out" I whisper again.

"Aww but why?" Cara speaks tauntingly again.

"Get out" I say again, raising my head and eyes to meet both of there's. My normally forest green eyes are ocean blue and they are colder than they have ever been. Klaus stares at me wondrously and Cara just stares.

"Get out!" I shout and my magic surges, throwing them out and then slamming the door shut. My nails are claws, my fangs are out but as long as a werewolves and I know that my eyes are ocean blue. I am panting/growling with each breath.

"Cassie! What's going on?" I turn to see Damon standing right there, worry in his face. But that worry soon turns to fear and concern at seeing my fangs, eyes and claws. I let out an animalistic snarl as the door swings open and I take off out it.

I'm sorry my followers and story lovers...but this is the end. Now, I know this chapter was short, but I just had to end it there. I promise I will update as soon as possible.

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