
426 5 0

Author: clarifications

Reads: 226K

Votes: 19.2K

Status: Completed

"Her name was Lyra and she stole hearts because she didn't have one of her own."

In which Lyra Greene steals twenty seven hearts- all to the music of a different song.

Review/Synopsis: Caution: Fragile. DO NOT TOUCH. Lyra is the girl every mum warns her son to stay away from. She moistens her lips with alcohol and powders her face with drugs. When you are with her, it's like lying on a bed of roses but when the end comes, she'll be piercing you with her bloody thorns. Yet guys are still drawn to her like a moth to a flame, losing more than just hearts. One chapter, one ex-boyfriend and one broken heart; this is how the fallen angel plunges even deeper, into hell.

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