Chapter 1

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"Lexi, you can't be serious?" Chaz called out standing up behind his drumset. "You're going to regret this!" In truth, she might. But she had to find out for herself. Carefully, she packed away her glistening red hot Fender Strat. Surrounded by sweaty boys, old tattered rugs, hot amps, and slick recording execs, the young red haired woman dressed in her grey power suit looked out of place... almost plain.

"Think about this, babe," Harvey, her manager, pleaded; his hands out at his sides. Alexis never did like the slick nature that always accompanied Harvey like a shadow. This was a boys club and she always felt like she had a debt to pay for admittance.

"I just need to go recharge my batteries for a bit," she smiled; lying. Remembering the small lake town of Arrowhead. Her uncle's death had come and gone, as had her aunt's plead to help out with the family business. After six months, she finally decided to pick up the phone and call.

"But you're not a businesswoman," Harvey held the guitar case down. Quickly removing his hands, "Just think about it... Take a long weekend. That's all I'm saying. These guys need you, you can't just expect them to put their careers on hold because you want a vacation."

She was happy to see the city shrink in the rear view mirror. Los Angeles had become her adopted city, busy with a night life, friends, boys... trouble. Following a long talk with her older brother, Alexis couldn't help but shake the feeling she was missing out on something. Something big.

Less than 80 miles from LA, she felt like she was in a different state. Leaving San Bernardino she kissed civilization goodbye as the truck passed from sprawling hills to tree covered slopes and mountains. Around her, green trees sprouted and grew towards the sky like long fingers. Following Highway 18 through the winding hills her windows wide open, feeling the wind gust through the old truck and through her hair.

The high school was the first building to come into view. Memories of years of torture as she figured out who she was came flooding back. The times she had spent running from bathroom to bathroom between classes trying to fit in, but never really fitting in.

Passing a couple cute family owned shops as she turned a corner Alexis followed Main street. The city had grown. It was no surprise, Arrowhead Lake owed most of it's financial ground to the tourist business. Five resorts, a large outlet mall, and all the homemade-family owned shops created a great atmosphere. The Germanic influence still remained, timber framed buildings shone white in the afternoon sun.

Turning on Jefferson Lane, the little blue house tucked nicely behind a large pine in her front yard. The realtor had left a flashy "welcome" sign in the front.

"Small town charm," she winced, pulling the sign from her lawn; remembering the wording of the advertisement.

"You just movin' in?" A muffled deep voice boomed from the sidewalk.

"Yes sir," Alexis turned, plastering a fake smile across her face as she made eye contact. She half recognized his face, maybe a middle school teacher way past his prime. Lost to years of retirement.

"Well welcome, I hope you'll help keep the neighborhood quiet and clean," the old man gruffed, threateningly.

"Oh Henry, leave the girl alone. Either you help her unpack or let's go." His wife shook her head from behind. Alexis turned, looking up at her new house.

Her aunt had pleaded with her to stay at their farm. Alexis was like their adopted daughter, never able to have children of their own. Don't think any morbid thoughts, Alexis' parents were and still are alive and well. They were the type who wanted children because it looked good on paper and for holiday cards; they weren't so good at the raising part. Case and point, Alexis was sent to Arrowhead Lake for years on end while Caleb was shipped off to prep schools and abroad.

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