Simply YOU

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{Before you read, know that This is protected by copyright law You may NOT use it without my permission. I don't not own any rights to the song or video. Thank you and enjoy.}

You're the girl staring at yourself in the mirror, looking for something to admire. You're the girl staring at the candy, thinking, I'm already too heavy. You're the girl watching the thin, blonde, gorgeous gals laugh with the guys, thinking, Aren't I beautiful? Aren't I worth something?

You're the girl crying in her bedroom thinking, I'll never be enough.

That's your reality you've lived so long. You want to change it, but you can't change how you look. You can't change the disapproving stares people give you. You can't make people cherish you the way you long for.

Some people reach this cross roads and change to blend in. Like a chameleon, they change themselves to the color around them. That's the reason that plastic surgeons, make-up companies, and hair salons are a multi-billion dollar industry. Why? Because people long to be loved. Long to be liked. Long to be simply enough.

But that's not you. You're bigger than that. You won't settle for becoming something you're not.

Because, my friend, throughout this little book, you're going to learn that YOU is enough.

That YOU are beautiful.

That YOU are a treasure.

That a guy would be incredibly lucky to have met YOU.

That YOU are so much more than enough.

So, please keep reading.

I hope I can help you see you are...
     Already gorgeous.

You're Already GorgeousDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora