Smile, You're Beautiful (Watty Awards 2012) by BlueElmo

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Smile, You're Beautiful (Watty Awards 2012) by BlueElmo

You know that girl you called fat? She’s been starving herself for God knows how long. You know that chick you called emo? She’s been battling depression for years. You know that gal you bullied and whenever she would cry you would say “Aww is little Missy going to go cry to her mommy and daddy?” Her parents died a couple years ago and she’s still grieving their death. The tiniest thing can hurt a person beyond words, but it can also shed light to a dark tunnel. This is Missy Vega’s story about loss, hurt, betrayal and hope.

Status: completed

My opinion: This is a short story and it's absolutely beautiful. That's all I have to say.

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