Part VIII: The Traveller's Guide

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The woods are dream-like. Each leaf reflected similar colours just like the green sparks that crackled off Artifact. Sanpher seemed to have changed his demeanour after the leaving the group, he had pulled up a dark green cloak with golden lining over his head that had been clipped to the back of his armour since. Each footstep he took was echoed behind with the clank of the staff that held Artifact, being walked beside Sanpher. What most people didn't know, Sanpher lived a double life. A friend, grand warrior, caring father like figure to the people of the family he belonged to. Yet, he was also a lonesome traveller, befriending nature growing across the ground below him. As each footstep grew colder, so did the light of the woods as it crept away above the trees. A mystical purple and blue light strung through the branches of the trees creating a fantastical image on the path of both Sanph and Arti. It was a beautiful land, every corner of this mushroom world introduced the naked eye to a brand new image.

A dark oak bench slowly came into view as the trail of the woods bent right. It had quite a distinctive shape, almost taking on the aura of a snake, curving two beautiful handles for one to rest their arm on. Sanpher did that exactly, perching on the bench leaning artifact by his knee. Sanpher pulled out a handkerchief, it was white cloth lined with gold knitting similar to his cloak. He began polishing artifact after spotting some dirt covering his pointy ends, whilst polishing, a distant tone of bells could be heard as if to strike 12 O clock,
               "I think we know what that means.." Sanpher spoke, his forehead creased concentrating on the polishing of Artifact,
               "They'll be fine, you have more important things to do anyway." Artifact replied ominously, his green and blue colours illuminating brightly to signify some sort of urgency in his statement. The handkerchief was unequipped and Sanpher turned his focus to a ring he wore, he played with it. The silver reflecting off the last beams of sunlight bleeding through the woodlands, the blue sapphire on the ring presenting its bling,
               "Will you ever tell her that it was you?" Intruded Artifact, potentially asking about some sort of story behind the ring Sanpher wore. There was no productive reply besides a shy groan from Sanpher as he stood to attention continuing on the trail in the woods,
               "Looks like I hit a nerve." Artifact whispered sarcastically, trailing behind Sanpher's grand leather boots with marble buckles.
               "You know you're not funny. It's complicated. We've been through this." Sanpher replied eventually, shutting down any room for a conversation. The woods seemed to open up more, small ponds full of wildlife filled any empty space between the bark. Frogs were leaping gracefully across the lily pads that formed beautiful patterns in the water. Some of the frogs, in fact, appeared to have quite beady eyes, long red lips and predominant creases in their foreheads. They reminded both Sanpher and Artifact of a recent event The Regency held for the people of the Mushroom World.

Small mushroom like huts began to appear along the water beds of the woods. Each looked like dormitories yet were much smaller and seemed to have extensions that were build upon the ponds with wood planks. Some shroomies could be seen fishing, some were playing cards along with the frogs? And just behind these small accommodations, an arena like area seemed to have been stationed, it resembled a Pokémon battle like arena, it was basically a field marked out with a line.
               "You could play football on that, how pathetic." Artifact remarked looking at the arena. Sanpher however was more bothered about the building behind the arena. It looked like an old cabin, dark oak building with large glass pane windows and grey bricks that made up the foundations. In front of it was some seating similar to the bench that they both saw along the way. Sat there were two Mushroom Warriors, trainers in fact as they were called around here.
               "It's a pleasure to finally see you both again. After such a long time." Sanpher spoke gratefully as he approached both the warriors. Interestingly, Artifact had withdrawn himself on the back of Sanphers armour, hiding the fact that he could talk, walk, live.
               "Well well. How 'ave y'been Sanpher? In fact, where have y'been?" Parole said, standing up to give Sanpher a hug, his right hand pressing on the tip of Artifact.
               "Hmmm." X said positively, looking up at Sanpher giving him a two finger salute, still seated.
               "The pleasure is all mine, I've been wandering around town I suppose, finding intel per usual." Sanpher said mysteriously, sitting down beside X unholstering Artifact and any heavy bits of armour onto the opposite side of the where the other two were seated.  
                "Good. Well you'd like to know I've updated the guide. I'm sure you'd like to hav' a look later. F'now, what intel have y'got?" Parole asked, staring intently into Sanpher's face with beady eyes similar to the frogs.
               "Well, it's safe to say the Queen and Princess remained at the castle. So, the sting should have worked quite lovely." Sanpher replied, informing Parole of the information he supposedly requested.
                "Great, bloody brill. The clone shoulda wor'kd lovely. They'll be fooled aright." Parole replied pleased that Zeeh and Peach have stayed in the castle, perhaps while the others travelled to the square to find the whereabouts of Toad. X nodded in agreement to the currently conversation, not saying much.
               "So, about the guide then. I'm assuming you've added further assignments on the journeys we can make into the Chaoslands. We must get ahead of the Federation." Sanpher insisted, laying down signs of desperation to see this 'guide' Parole has prepared. As Sanpher finished his sentence, Artifact shook ever so slightly jolting Sanpher's leg as if to signify a negative reaction.
               "O' of course. Allow me t'fetch dat f'you" Parole responded in a fairly high pitched tone, scurrying into the building behind them labelled with a sign 'Fed - Base #4'. X didn't say anything whilst Parole fetched the guide. He looked out toward the shrubbery that lined the pathways around the small village that they occupied in the woodlands. Butterflies would land on the shrubs to eat the berries, nature taking its course,
               "Peaceful, right?" X observed in a soft voice.
               "Right." Sanpher responded. He didn't want to speak too much. He was feeling quite tense, one fist clenched as he sat smiling, acting normal.

Parole eventually returned with a large hardback book that seemed to have dust on it, some pages were larger than others. They stuck out like sore thumbs and had pads of squid ink staining their corners.
               "Th' updated travellers guide, jus'f'you Sanphy" Parole acknowledged as he handed the large book to Sanpher. Sanpher responded with a singular smile before opening the book to the new, oddly shaped pages.
              "So, this must be the map of the Chaoslands. Are you insisting I still go alone just to scout?" Sanpher asked, moving his right ankle around Artifact's shaft feeling that he was getting impatient waiting around.
              "That's right, we don't mind, neither do th' regency. They chill ok!" Parole exclaimed positively and with odd vibes. X butted in before Sanpher attempted to make a move, book firmly in both of his hands,
              "You be careful out there Sanph, you and your friend need to stick together." X muttered, giving a side eye to Sanpher, gesturing with his right hand that he can see the Artifact moving. X's hand was below his leg so Parole couldn't see what he meant.
               "What friends? Hahahaha!" Parole laughed to himself. He then stood up in unison with Sanpher whilst Sanph re-equipped his gear and artifact.
                "Off you pop then Sanphy, remember to pay a visit t'regent so he can mark'y'in. Bye buddy!" Parole began waving as if to shrug him off his time. X looked at Sanpher ominously, his soul felt nervous as X didn't move the slightest. What an intimidating aura. Sanpher walked down the trail yet again, slowly moving out of sigh of the frog infested woodlands. Parole sat back down beside X, pulling out a dagger he was sharpening earlier,
               "He's a good one that Sanphy, ain't e' X!"

"Hmmm." X replied.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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