CH: 25

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“Shubman, I’m getting late,” Ishan said as though he didn't want to miss the bus and spend the day with his boyfriend. “Let me go, you sap.”

“No.” Shubman’s voice came out muffled as he kept kissing the base of Ishan’s neck. “I won't see you for another two months. Let me have my moment.”

Ishan smiled, reaching out to run his hands through Shubman’s hair. “What are you doing after finals?”

“I'm coming to you first thing after writing my last paper.”

Ishan rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean, Shubi.”

Shubman let out a small groan, dropping his head on Ishan’s shoulder. “I don't know. Can we not think about the future?”

“Have you heard from the scouts?” Ishan prodded.

Shubman shook his head, his hair tickling Ishan’s neck. “Have you?”

“Not yet,” Ishan muttered. “I don't want to admit it but I think I’m… scared.”

Shubman sat upright and looked at the other. He reached out, cupping Ishan's face. “You will make it.”

It wasn’t assurance, or comfort for that matter. Shubman’s eyes shone like he had never been surer of anything else. It was belief.

“Yeah,” Ishan smiled. “We will.”

Shubman grinned, showing off his dimples, then leaned in to peck Ishan’s lips. Again, and again, and again. Ishan giggled after each kiss, making Shubman melt into a puddle.

“I’ll miss you,” Shubman whispered, his forehead pressed against Ishan’s.

“I won't.”

“You think you're funny,” Shubman grumbled.

“Think? I know,” Ishan replied with a wide grin, dodging Shubman’s kiss so it landed on his cheek instead.

Shubman let out a small whine, trying for another kiss. Ishan laughed, turning his head just in time to catch Shubman's lips with his own.

He leaned into Shubman's touch as the other's hand slipped under his shirt. Ishan shivered slightly as cool fingertips traced patterns on his skin, sending tingles down his spine.

Shubman's warm breath tickled Ishan's ear as he whispered, "Like it?" after trailing his lips up Ishan's neck.

Ishan nodded weakly as Shubman's hands explored the curves and dips of his body. He wished they could get rid of the clothes but he didn't want to come off as desperate.

Shubman abruptly withdrew his hands and got up, prompting Ishan to shoot him a glare, annoyed at the sudden loss of touch. “Wipe that stupid grin off your face.”

Shubman pulled his boyfriend up, planting a big smooch on Ishan’s cheek. The latter couldn't help but crack a fond smile.

“Come on, we're going on a date,” Shubman said, grinning from ear to ear.

Ishan's cheeks flushed. The realization that they were now boyfriends (boyfriends!!!) hadn't fully sunk in yet. He wasn't sure how to act on a date with Shubman of all people. Nothing could have prepared him for this moment.

“Date,” he repeated dumbly. “Really?”

Shubman chuckled, mentally cooing at the red cheeks. “Yes, baby.”

If Ishan was blushing before, he was practically on fire now. If this were a cartoon, steam would be billowing from his ears like a kettle about to burst.

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