Chapter 2- Ingrid confides in April and Casey and asks them to keep it a secret

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Today was a holiday so I didn't have school so I tapped on April's contact that I named 🤗April🤗 and started texting her.

Ingrid: Hello April
April: Hello Ingrid What's up
Ingrid: Remember how I told you I wasn't ready to talk about my miserable past?
April: Yes I remember it why'd you bring it up?
Ingrid: Well I've decided I'm ready to talk about my miserable past after all.
April: Really that's wonderful news
Ingrid: Yes really and yes it's good news!
April: Awesome
Ingrid: It sure is
April: If that's the case where do you want to meet to talk about your miserable past?
Ingrid: I want to meet with you and Casey after I text him to meet up at the abandoned shopping center.
April: Sounds good.
Ingrid: Alright see you soon Bye!
April: Bye!

After I'm done texting April I go to my list of contacts and I find the contact that I named 😀Casey😀 and I click on it and start texting him.

Ingrid: Hi Casey
Casey: Hello Ingrid what do you need to say?
Ingrid: Remember how I wasn't ready to tell you about my past which has been weighing me down?
Casey: Yes what about it?
Ingrid: Well I've decided to tell you about my miserable past because my miserable past keeps weighing me down and I need to tell someone who will help me deal with it.
Casey: Well I'm glad you've decided to finally tell someone so it won't be weighing you down as much as it is now.
Ingrid: Thank you!
Casey: Your welcome and where do you want to meet to discuss the past that's been weighing you down?
Ingrid: I already texted April to let her know and I want to meet with you and April at the abandoned shopping center.
Casey: Sounds good
Ingrid: Alright I'll meet you there Bye!
Casey: Bye

After I've finished texting April and Casey I delete the text threads with April and Casey so my dad doesn't find out I told anyone about his present abusive behavior and his past abusive behavior then I grab my phone and I open my window and climb out the window and I close the window behind me then I climb down the fire escape and I head to the abandoned shopping center to meet April and Casey. She greets them with a hug then I say "thanks for meeting me here." April and Casey respond "No problem that's what friends are for." I say "Yeah I guess your right." Then I ask "Are you ready to hear the story of my past that's been weighing me down for so long? April and Casey respond "Yes we are." I say "Okay it started when my mother died in a car crash when I was 3 years old. Ever since that day my father has blamed me for my mother's death and has been abusive towards me by doing anything to cause me physical harm like Whipping me and cutting words into my skin and punching and kicking me until I could hardly move. Instead of getting better and stopping the abuse over the years has gotten worse and I've been abused by my father for 10 years. That's why I always wear long-sleeved shirts and jeans and tennis shoes to cover up my bruises and injuries. This is the story of my past that's been weighing down on me for years." April and Casey exchange a look and say "That's absolutely horrid." I say "It sure is." April and Casey ask "Are you ready to tell anyone else about the abuse or do you want to keep it a secret for now? I say "I want to keep it a secret for now not ready to out the secret of the abuse to anyone else." April and Casey say "Okay we can respect that." I say "Thank you." April and Casey say "Your welcome." Then I give them both a hug and I watch them leave then I head home myself and back up the fire escape and then I open my window and climb into my room and close the window behind me then I go to the bathroom and I take a shower and after I'm done showering I dry off then I put on a pair of ratty PJs then I brush my teeth and I brush my hair then I go back to my room and I climb into bed and I go to sleep for the night.

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