Leaf Blowers and Regrets

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It helped when April turned into a month where the spotlight was moved onto John. Between preparing for college in the fall, graduation, and rehearsing for his theater club's production of The Outsiders, he at least wasn't home as much to encourage Kimmy out of her shell. Even though it wasn't the play he was hoping for, John enjoyed the story and characters. He was cast as the lead, Ponyboy's oldest brother, Darrel. With Ben's help, John made an eye appointment to get himself a prescription for contact lenses since Darrel didn't wear glasses and he wanted to immerse himself into the character as possible. 

A small part of herself, deep down, missed having him around like the way she felt about Claudia working all the time. Kimmy forced those feelings away and busied herself with other things, escaping into her imaginary world where there weren't emotions and life was easy—anything to get her through this when she would be able to finally go home.

The theater club rehearsed all through the end of February through mid-April, preparing for the show. Ben helped him go over his lines a few times, but mostly John practiced in his room with the door shut.

Between the play, college, and graduation, John almost forgot he had the prom to think of as well. His sister had gone to hers and loved it, and encouraged John to go to his or he would later regret not going.

"I never went to mine and I still don't feel like I missed out on anything," Ben shrugged during dinner. "Course, my mom never let me forget it."

"I don't know honestly," John said, as if this was just as important as picking his major.

"Have you gone to any of the homecoming dances?" Kayla asked.

"I went during my freshman year, with a group of friends. Theater Club kept us busy enough after that to consider going again."

Kayla pointed her fork at him. "You could go with your friends again. It doesn't necessarily have to be with a date."

"My friends are also debating if they want to go or not." Everything John needed for graduation was all paid for by a grant William applied for on his behalf. It was something available for all foster youth when they graduated, and that included prom if they wanted to go.

"It would be another chance to spend time with each other before you all graduate," she pointed out.

Ultimately, it was up to John, whether or not he wanted to go. He and his friends eventually chose to go just for the experience. Ben took him to buy a suit for the occasion. Nothing too fancy, but enough to look nice. It was nice for Ben to live the experience through John despite not having any regrets about going to his senior prom. Maybe if he had a group of friends he too would have considered going instead of staying home, playing video games all evening. 

The event turned out not too bad and John got a chance to dance with a friend he had a small crush on. Since she was going out of state for college, they both agreed it was best to remain friends. They took lots of pictures to remember the occasion, though.

A week after prom, John got to visit Arizona State University for an orientation and turn in everything needed to enroll for the fall semester. Kayla took him since she was a graduate herself, and could help John through the process better. With them gone all day and Claudia working, that left Ben and Kimmy the only ones, home. Kimmy stayed busy in her room, still re-watching her favorite shows she missed and not wanting to interact with anyone.

With it being spring in Arizona, that meant having to do a lot of yard work at least once a week, including blowing debris into a pile to sweep into the trash dumpster. That is until the blower decided to quit on him when its battery was fully charged.

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