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"Ohhh, smells so good!" Nick said, walking into the kitchen.

The house was full of Christmas atmosphere. The Christmas Eve was set, the presents were under it, and the whole house smelled of gingerbread.

"Angelo is obsessed with gingerbread he already made 3 plates." Dominic said. "We have a new chef, huh?" Alexander said, taking one of the cookies.

Then someone rang the houses bell. "I'll open it!" Elias jumped up from the couch and ran to the door. He opened the door smiling, and there three Orlow brothers were smiling back to him.

"Welcome in." Elias said politely and closed the door after them. Everyone gathered around the front door, meeting the visitors. For some reason, it became awkward, so Alex said, "Well come in, don't he shy ha-ha." As everyone was going to the kitchen, Elias took Renats hand and ran upstairs to his room giggling.

"Hey Angelo, what are you doing?" Vlad asked. "I'm making these... these cookies they're called... gi... mmm..." Angelo couldn't remember "gingerbread." Dominic helped him. "Right!" Angelo said. "Can I make them too?" Vlad asked. "Sure!" Angelo answered and freed him a place next to him.

Two boys spent the whole afternoon cooking and then helping Dominic to prepare dinner. It was relaxing.

After dinner, everyone went to play some games in the attic. Angelo learned how to play a circus board game, and he found it really fun.

"Hey, Evan, can Renat sleep in our room tonight?" Elias asked shyly his twin. "And where will I sleep?" He asked. "Well, you can pick any other room, you know... please." Elias said. "Ugh, okay, but don't do anything... gross." Evan said, making a disgusted face. "We won't!" Elias said.

"Hey, it's midnight." Dominic said. "Then let's go open up the present?" Alexander asked, and everyone happily ran to the living room.

Solovyovs were different in celebrating Christmas. They don't know when it started, but somehow they've always opened up their presents after midnight, not in the morning.

Daniel desperately wanted to be the elf and call out everyone whose name is on their present, so that's what he did. He was happy about it.
Angelo was getting a lot of presents. He was surprised but so happy. As he was opening his third present, he pulled out a knife. "Woah woah woah, who gave him that?" Alex asked. "What do you mean who? It was the Santa." Evan said. "I'm sure Angelo didn't even write something about a knife in his letter to Santa." Alex said.

"Well, Santa knows the kids' biggest wishes, so maybe that's what he wants deep in his heart." Evan said, smiling. "Who's Santa?" Angelo asked.

"He's the one you wrote letter to. About what you want for Christmas. You should thank him later." Alexander explained.

In truth, none of the present under the tree meant for Angelo was something he wrote in the letter. He wrote only that he wanted to stay with his brothers. Well, that came true, too.

After fun and games It was too late for Angelo to be awake, so he and Alex went to wash up.

"I had so much fun today." Angelo said as Alex was helping him to shower. "I'm so glad, sweetie. Does your stomach hurt? You ate a lot of gingerbread."

"No, it doesn't hurt." Aneglo answered.

After they finished, they went to say goodnight to everyone. And suddenly they heard bangs outside.

"Fireworks!" Daniel yelled and started to head outside. After him followed everyone else. "Do you want to go out too?" Alexander asked Angelo. "No, I'll wait here." He answered. "Okay, just stay here." Alexander said and left, too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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