14 1 2

Amber shifted on the cushy armchair, engrossed in a book of elvin history. Try as she might, the white of the paper became that familiar tone of beige, the spine darkening to brown smooth hair and the creamy, velvet jacket lightening and shifting to the perfect shade of teal and he smiled, smiled beautifully at her and opened his mouth and-

She slammed the book shut, creating a bang as she did so. Dammit. Why couldn't she stop thinking of him? Ever since he had helped her that night, those eyes blinked back at her underneath her own eyelids, she could feel the warmth in his voice, and he smiled so beautifully, she was struck-

Dumb! Why, why could she not get that stupid Vacker out of her head? He wasn't supposed to be there. She gritted her teeth. Forget the frickin' book. Pull yourself together, Amber scolded herself, as she rose from the chair.

Fitz materialised in the doorway, flashing that irritatingly-perfect grin at her. "Hey, are you ready for tomorrow?"

Right, tomorrow. Amber had spent so long trying to force his beautiful annoying face out of her head that she had forgotten her first day at Foxfire - the elves' most prestigious, noble, school (which was named after a fungus, for some inscrutable reason) - was tomorrow.

She cleared her throat, forcing herself to meet his eyes though her hands kept stroking her braid in a rather mechanical manner. "Sure. Walk me through it, again?"

She wanted any excuse for him to stay, even while her brain was screaming at her to go, go anywhere that he wasn't at. He smiled softly and started to talk, his words flowing and yet separate and warm all at once.

"So, you'll be a Level Two - same as Biana - and that means your symbol is a Halcyon. And you'll have to take Ability Detecting, since you haven't manifested yet. Also, there are DNA sensors on the lockers - but be careful. Some of the teachers like to put some really gross flavors on them, like reekrod. Sometimes they're good, though, so you never know. And, finally-" He brought something out of his pocket and held it out to Amber.

Confused, she accepted it and carefully unwrapped the tiny packaging to reveal a familiar-looking box. "I wanted to get you started with Prattle-Pin collecting," Fitz explained, looking slightly embarrassed. It was cute. "These are Prattles-they're pretty much the most popular candy you'll ever find."

You're the most popular candy I could possibly find-

Her cheeks flamed at the thought and she hoped desperately that Fitz hadn't heard it. "Open it!" Fitz looked adorably excited as he motioned, rolling back on his heels.

She did so, and held up the teeny pin to the light. "Lucky!" Fitz exclaimed, looking jealous. She furrowed her brows. What was it? It looked like some sort of bird, with large sweeping wings that Amber had no doubt would knock everything within a 500-metre distance away.

"It's an Argentavis," Fitz explained. "I've been wanting one for ages. They're gorgeous, aren't they?" she nodded, glancing up at him, only to see his eyes...on her. Not on the pin. Her cheeks heated and Amber fingered a loose strand of her hair, twisting it.

"Thanks," she said, willing the blush to go away. Fitz cleared his throat.

"No problem."

They stayed in an awkward sort of silence for a few moments before Fitz cleared his throat and mumbled something about "needing to talk to Keefe" before walking away. Amber wondered who Keefe was as she sat back down on the armchair and flicked idly through the pages.

A page went through her finger.

She jumped, staring in surprise. Had she imagined that? Attempting to get back to the book, it happened again. Hesitantly, Amber moved her whole hand...through the page she was reading. Oh my god.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐇, Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now