Chapter 20 - Last Warning

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February 22, 1957/1627

City of Esthirant, Empire of Parpaldia

With war declared, the Emperor of Parpaldia tried to stay out of the war issue following his secret agreement with American diplomats.

Inside a special chamber, the Emperor's Chamber, sat Emperor Ludius III and his fiancé/cousin, Remille, on luxurious sofas.

Enjoying the day at the palace, although Lúdio didn't fully enjoy the day.

Ludius: "Tell me, Remille. What do you think of the Empire I've built so far?"

Remille: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, the Empire is great and powerful. It sits atop the Phillades continent and rules the Eastern Hemisphere. The Empire has become powerful since you and your father reigned."

Remille revealed her opinion to Ludius about the Empire.

Ludius: "Yes, indeed. Since my father's reign, he dreamed of a powerful Parpaldia that could be among the superpowers, and his dream has come true. Now we are part of the world's superpower and the only powerful nation in the east, among the superpowers However, my father also dreamed of a peaceful and united Phillades, he wanted to unite the entire continent not through conquest, but through diplomacy. That's what he taught me when I was young."

Ludius explained while showing a faint and sad smile, remembering everything the young emperor's father had told him.

Suddenly, Remille feels tremors throughout his body.

She feels guilty or very humble upon hearing her future husband's statement.

Ludius: "Remille, do you think I'm a good ruler?"

The young emperor asked.

Remille: "But of course! Your Majesty, you ruled the Empire until its golden age and were the strongest in the east! Why would I and the rest of the Empire consider you a bad ruler? You were the greatest of the greatest!"

Remille declared proudly to impress his emperor.

Ludius: "My diplomatic skills are without a doubt the greatest among the other rulers of Parpaldia and Esthirant, which is why we can become friends with the other superpowers. Through the diplomacy I forged, we created peace, but the peace never lasted long."

Ludius stated with an unpleasant tone at the end.

Once again, Remille trembled.

Some sweat the size of a corn started to run down her face.

She shivered and continued to listen to the Emperor's speech.

Ludius: "Now tell me, Remille. Why did I appoint you to be head of the Foreign Affairs Audit Office?"

Ludius asked Remille softly.

Remille: "I... I don't know?"

The young woman said she was a little confused.

Ludius: "Because I believed you could help with the tasks of the three Foreign Affairs Departments. You did a good job there as head of the Audit Office."

Ludius praised Remille as she felt both flattered and embarrassed.

Remille: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am truly flattered by your appreciation..."

Although Ludius appreciated Remille, the young emperor never truly appreciated Remille's work.

Instead, he was absolutely disappointed in her work and regrets having appointed Remille as head of the Foreign Affairs Audit Office.

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