46 - Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw

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"Bitch!" I curse to myself when Cho speeds past me knocking into me and causing my broom to spin out of control for a moment. Once I stable out a bludger comes flying towards me, gasping slightly I roll off the side of my broom hanging upside down only holding on with my legs. From my spot in the sky, I see Harry and Cho both going for the snitch but Harry seems to not be going as fast as he normally can, 

"HARRY THIS IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN!!! KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO!!" Wood and I scream at Harry simultaneously, he throws a glare in mine and Wood's direction before flying off after the snitch. Quickly clambering back onto my broom I speed upwards punching the quaffle from a Ravenclaw's arms. Above me, Nathan quickly snatches up the quaffle before making a swift pass to Angelina who scores,

"Johnson scores! 10 points to Gryffindor!" Jordon comments loudly, "Potter and Chang are after the snitch neck and neck!!"

"STOP BEING A FUCKING GENTLEMAN HAROLD!!!" I cup my mouth so I can yell louder, Harry seems to speed up chasing after the snitch finally pulling ahead by a bit. Cho points at something and three dementors are in the stands, I quickly notice that they aren't floating and are standing. I scoff rolling my eyes and fly forward intercepting the Slytherin's pass, weaving around different players until I'm close enough to score. 

"POTTER SCORES! 10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" Jordon yells eagerly, and when I turn around a full smile makes its way onto my face. Everyone seems to realise at the same time I did that Harry caught the snitch. All zooming over to Harry, Nathan and I are the first to get to him, Nathan gets off his broom to hug Harry but I don't bother and crash into the both of them knocking all three of us to the ground.

"Arg!" Harry and Nathen groan when we crash to the ground, laughing at the two of them I get up holding out my hands for each of them. Harry grabs my hand smiling with his glasses lopsided from the fall, Nathan on the other just ignores the fact I have my hand out and gets up on his own. I open my mouth to comment when the rest of the team arrives pulling us into a group hug. I freeze for a moment before easing up a little but not enough to completely let my guard down. I take a step back when most people in Gryffindor come to congratulate Harry. Jumping when I hear a loud squeal I turn around just in time to catch Lavender and Valentina as they jump at me tackling me into a hug,

"You played amazing!"

"And the way you just flipped over the side of your broom like it was nothing!"

"You gave us a heart attack!"

"Also the way you flew straight into Harry was hilarious!" They yell and squeal bombarding me but I'm unable to keep the beaming smile off my face but it falls slightly as I glance around,

"Where's Pavarti?" I ask looking around for her,

"She...um she left halfway through the game...because she was sick, she was very pale," Lavender stutters looking at the ground, glancing at her posture it was obvious she was scared to tell me thinking I might lash out. With a sigh, I pull Lavender into a hug,

"It's fine there's still more games she can come to," I tell her in a soft voice hoping to reassure her because no matter how confident she seems Lavender is always worried about letting down the people she cares for.

"Hey? What's going on over there?" Val points out where Remus, Sirius, Dad, and McGonagall are all standing. I shrug and grab both their wrists dragging them with me. Once we got close enough we could clearly see a stunned Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint in cloaks.

"That jerk!" I yell and start to storm over there when Lavender and Valentina grab my arms,

"No! You can't!" Val tells me firmly as I turn around to glare at her for stopping me, "Don't give me that look, you got off easy last time," She points out raising an eyebrow at me, muttering a few curses under my breath I sigh,

"Fine..." I grumble rolling my eyes and shrugging off their hands,

"Come on I heard the twins are throwing a party to celebrate!" Lavender squeals excitedly dragging Val and me towards the castle, with one look at each other we know that the next few hours will be spent with Lav dressing us up and doing hair, and makeup.


A/N Sorry it took me so long to update if I'm honest I truly just forgot to write a chapter and then realised how long it had been

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