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Gyuvin patiently waited for Ricky. It would be sunset soon, and Ricky needed to arrive before that.. He saw that Ricky entering the store. Without wasting time, he ran towards him and pulled him to the window behind the mannequin.

"Just wait", he told Ricky as he pointed the Chinese Restaurant across the building. They both looked to the side. And as the sun set, the beam of light hit the glass window reflecting the image.. Some of the letters written on the glass window was covered by the brightness, but Ricky noticed the three letters that were still visible.. the letter I love you in Chinese(我爱你). Ricky didn't care if people were watching, he broke down the moment he saw, and he stumbled on the floor.

"Idiot.. I'm the biggest idiot in the world. He.. He must be so hurt that day"..

He cried as Gyuvin knelt to hug him. "He's happy now. So please, be happy too", he comforted him. Ricky hugged him back. "Thank you, Gyuvin. Thank you for coming into my life. I.. I love you".. . Gyuvin also teared up. He felt relieved and happy to hear the words from Ricky's mouth.


Jiwoong and Chaehyun were to attend a business meeting on behalf of their parents, so Jiwoong had to cancel his date with Matthew.

He texted him saying he's sorry.. Matthew was fine with it as he knew the responsibility Jiwoong had for his company.

He went to Royal Garden as their dating plan was cancelled. He was feeling a bit insecure because Jiwoong and Chaehyun had been too close than before. Plus, they were engaged.


Matthew pov

I was watering the flowers when I got an unexpected customer.

"Ji Yunseo?"..

"Hi! Are you busy?"..

I shook my head as I put away the watering pot. We both sat down. "You don't usually have customers?", he asked. "Just once or twice. The shop is only a side income of the manager. But we're paid really good", I told him.


"Mm. Me and Gyuvin. We're part timers here, plus the only staffs. He's my best friend", I told him. He nodded in response.

"So, can we be friends too?. I'm new to the city and the school, I don't have any friends yet"..

"Of course. I don't reject anyone who wants to be friends with me. Why are you here anyway? And how did you know I'm here?", I asked him. He put down his school bag.

"The school's head boy.. I suppose"..

" Jongwoo "..

" Yes, him. He told me that you will be here so I came to meet you. I thought that you might need a friend since your best friend is not around.. and your boyfriend is busy with his fiancee"...

"Right. I do need a company. So, it's not so bad if you stayed for some times.. and help me out", I told him as I stood. I put the watering pot on the table.

"Do the high ones. You're taller. I'll water the flower on the floor", I told him. He chuckled as he took off his jacket. He rolled up his sleeves and did exactly what I told him to.


Jiwoong pov

I was having a conversation with the CEO of Neo Tech. Then I noticed Kim Chaehyun accidentally poured her wine on her gown. "Please excuse me"..

I walked towards her as I took off my coat and covered her.
"Never knew you were clumsy", I teased her.

"I'm not familiar with business parties. My elder sister was the one who always attend with my father. I was the indoor daughter", she told me. I heard that her elder sister died due to serious mental illness. She was quite young when she lost her sister. I could understand her pain. I lost my father when I was young too. Not that he died, but he leave us and the company, because Taerae's mom died because of my parents. He gave all of his properties to mom, in exchange she'd raise Taerae along with me. Mom agreed to it, but she's not that of a mother to Taerae.. in fact.. to me too.

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